Computer Engineering - Department Information   
Language Turkish
Program Time (Year) 4
Max.Program Time (Year) 7
Program Quota
Internships Status Absent
About Programme

General Information About the Department:

The importance of Computer Engineering is its realization with each passing day and the preservation of informatics as it has an important user in the development of sectors such as health, communication, energy, automotive and defense, which have become indispensable for both realization and daily operation.

Theoretical, project, which includes active structures and basic topics such as software and hardware technologies, computer architecture, image processing, web technologies to make them more secure, as well as current areas such as information security, artificial intelligence, cyber security, embedded systems, cloud computing. based and applied training.


Our aim is to train graduates who can produce new products and solutions with our curriculum renewed by following current technologies and developments, and who have the necessary knowledge and equipment to conduct research in accordance with professional ethics.

PROG. Director
Asist Prof.Dr. Feridun Cemal Özçakır
Our department was opened with the decision of the Council of Higher Education dated 07.09.2019 and numbered 18960.
Qualification Awarded
This is an undergraduate program. The students successfully completing this program are qualified for receiving the bachelor’s degree in Department of Computer Engineering.
Admission Requirements
Those who want to enroll in undergraduate degree programs must get the sufficient score required by İstanbul Gedik University from the exam administered by the Student Selection and Placement Center (OSYM).
Higher Grade Transition
The students, who graduated from this program, are entitled to apply for education in postgraduate education programs.
Graduation Requirements
In order to graduate from this program; all courses, applications, internships and similar studies in the curriculum should be completed with a weighted grade point average of at least 2.00.
Occupational Profiles of Graduates
The professionals having graduated from our department can work as information technologies specialist, system analyst, and information processing center administrator in public or private institutions, in addition to working as academician in universities.
Assessment and Grading
a) In assessing the success of a student in any course, the mark of student in midterm exam graded over 100 points and the mark from final exam graded over 100 points are taken into consideration.
b) In assessing the success grade, 40% of midterm exam score and 60% of final exam score are summed.