Week | Topics | Study Materials | Materials |
1 |
Company concept, elements, company types
2 |
Ordinary partnership
3 |
Ordinary partnership, trading companies, legal entity
4 |
Collective Company, establishment, operation and termination
5 |
Commandite company, introduction to stock companies
6 |
Joint stock company, establishment, organs of joint stock company
7 |
General Assembly, meeting, decisions, cancellation of general assembly decisions
8 |
Board of Directors, selection, duties and powers, responsibilities
9 |
10 |
Shareholders' rights, securities of a joint stock company
11 |
Joint-stock company whose termination, liquidation and share capital
12 |
Liquidation and dissolution of a joint stock company
13 |
Responsibility of the bodies of the limited company, general assembly, managers, managers
14 |
Termination and liquidation of limited liability company