Week | Topics | Study Materials | Materials |
1 |
Giving information about the general functioning of the course and the curriculum and introductions.
2 |
Introduction to Python programming language, installations and basic functions.
3 |
Basic data types, operators, conditional statements and exercises in Python.
4 |
Exercises about List, Tuple, Set and Dict data types and their usage in Python.
5 |
Type conversions, loops and functions in Python.
6 |
Using embedded functions and ready-made modules in Python.
7 |
General Recap.
8 |
Midterm exam.
9 |
Exercises on debugging in Python, file operations and JSON file format.
10 |
Introduction to artificial intelligence, basic concepts and use of numpy, pandas and matplotlib libraries.
11 |
Use of Numpy, Pandas and Matplotlib libraries in data organization.
12 |
Simple data preprocessing, regression and model evaluation.
13 |
Classification and model evaluation. Model building and evaluation exercises.
14 |
Clustering and the working principle of the K-Means algorithm.
15 |
General Recap.