Course Information
SemesterCourse Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleT+P+LCreditNumber of ECTS Credits
2CGP112Science And Technology Teaching Before School2+2+035

Course Details
Language of Instruction Turkish
Level of Course Unit Associate Degree
Department / Program Child Development
Mode of Delivery Face to Face
Type of Course Unit Compulsory
Objectives of the Course To have knowledge and application skills about the necessity, importance and scope of science and nature studies in pre-school education and to design activities and methods that will develop scientific thinking in early childhood. Recognition of computer aided education.
Course Content Science and nature studies in pre-school education. Characteristics of computer-assisted education, disadvantages and applications of computer-assisted education, scientific process skills in child and science education program.
Course Methods and Techniques
Prerequisites and co-requisities None
Course Coordinator None
Name of Lecturers Instructor Neşe DURAN
Assistants None
Work Placement(s) No

Recommended or Required Reading
Resources Sinanoglu, F. (2006). Preschool Science Education. Ank: Nobel Spring. Simsek N. et al. (2007). Science and Technology Teaching in Preschool Period. Ank: Memoir Publications. Simsek, N., (2008). Çınar, Y. Preschool Science and Technology Lect. Ankara
Sinanoglu, F. (2006). Preschool Science Education. Ank: Nobel Spring.
Simsek N. et al. (2007). Science and Technology Teaching in Preschool Period. Ank: Memoir Publications.
Simsek, N., (2008). Çınar, Y. Preschool Science and Technology Lect. Ankara
Sinanoğlu, F. (2006). Okul Öncesinde Fen Eğitimi. Ank: Nobel Yay. Şimşek N. ve ark. (2007). Okul Öncesi Dönemde Fen ve Teknoloji Öğretimi. Ank: Anı Yayınları. Şimşek, N., (2008). Çınar, Y. Okul Öncesi Dönemde Fen Ve Teknoloji Öğr. Ankara

Course Category
Mathematics and Basic Sciences %0
Engineering %0
Engineering Design %0
Social Sciences %0
Education %10
Science %0
Health %0
Field %90

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
Activities are given in detail in the section of "Assessment Methods and Criteria" and "Workload Calculation"

Assessment Methods and Criteria
In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage
Mid-terms 1 % 40
Final examination 1 % 60
% 100

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload
Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load
Course Duration 15 3 45
Assignments 12 3 36
Presentation 7 3 21
Mid-terms 1 3 3
Practice 14 3 42
Final examination 1 3 3
Total Work Load   Number of ECTS Credits 5 150

Course Learning Outcomes: Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
NoLearning Outcomes
1 To be able to explain the importance of pre-school science teaching
2 To be able to express the role of the teacher and the family in pre-school science teaching.
3 To be able to define basic science concepts in preschool
4 To be able to explain the importance of providing students with scientific process skills in pre-school science teaching.
5 Being able to design activities for science process skills in preschool science teaching
6 Knowing the features of the pre-school science center
7 Ability to apply computer aided education
8 Using technology in preschool education

Weekly Detailed Course Contents
WeekTopicsStudy MaterialsMaterials
1 Importance of science education in preschool period Sinanoglu, F. (2006). Preschool Science Education. Ank: Nobel Spring. Simsek N. et al. (2007). Science and Technology Teaching in Preschool Period. Ank: Memoir Publications. Simsek, N., (2008). Çınar, Y. Preschool Science and Technology Lect. Ankara Sinanoglu, F. (2006). Preschool Science Education. Ank: Nobel Spring. Simsek N. et al. (2007). Science and Technology Teaching in Preschool Period. Ank: Memoir Publications. Simsek, N., (2008). Çınar, Y. Preschool Science and Technology Lect. Ankara
2 Basic science concepts and teaching techniques in preschool science studies Sinanoglu, F. (2006). Preschool Science Education. Ank: Nobel Spring. Simsek N. et al. (2007). Science and Technology Teaching in Preschool Period. Ank: Memoir Publications. Simsek, N., (2008). Çınar, Y. Preschool Science and Technology Lect. Ankara Sinanoglu, F. (2006). Preschool Science Education. Ank: Nobel Spring. Simsek N. et al. (2007). Science and Technology Teaching in Preschool Period. Ank: Memoir Publications. Simsek, N., (2008). Çınar, Y. Preschool Science and Technology Lect. Ankara
3 Science process skills in preschool science education Sinanoglu, F. (2006). Preschool Science Education. Ank: Nobel Spring. Simsek N. et al. (2007). Science and Technology Teaching in Preschool Period. Ank: Memoir Publications. Simsek, N., (2008). Çınar, Y. Preschool Science and Technology Lect. Ankara Sinanoglu, F. (2006). Preschool Science Education. Ank: Nobel Spring. Simsek N. et al. (2007). Science and Technology Teaching in Preschool Period. Ank: Memoir Publications. Simsek, N., (2008). Çınar, Y. Preschool Science and Technology Lect. Ankara
4 The role of the teacher and the family in pre-school science teaching Sinanoglu, F. (2006). Preschool Science Education. Ank: Nobel Spring. Simsek N. et al. (2007). Science and Technology Teaching in Preschool Period. Ank: Memoir Publications. Simsek, N., (2008). Çınar, Y. Preschool Science and Technology Lect. Ankara Sinanoglu, F. (2006). Preschool Science Education. Ank: Nobel Spring. Simsek N. et al. (2007). Science and Technology Teaching in Preschool Period. Ank: Memoir Publications. Simsek, N., (2008). Çınar, Y. Preschool Science and Technology Lect. Ankara
5 Concept maps and applications in preschool science teaching Sinanoglu, F. (2006). Preschool Science Education. Ank: Nobel Spring. Simsek N. et al. (2007). Science and Technology Teaching in Preschool Period. Ank: Memoir Publications. Simsek, N., (2008). Çınar, Y. Preschool Science and Technology Lect. Ankara Sinanoglu, F. (2006). Preschool Science Education. Ank: Nobel Spring. Simsek N. et al. (2007). Science and Technology Teaching in Preschool Period. Ank: Memoir Publications. Simsek, N., (2008). Çınar, Y. Preschool Science and Technology Lect. Ankara
6 Science projects and applications in preschool science teaching Sinanoglu, F. (2006). Preschool Science Education. Ank: Nobel Spring. Simsek N. et al. (2007). Science and Technology Teaching in Preschool Period. Ank: Memoir Publications. Simsek, N., (2008). Çınar, Y. Preschool Science and Technology Lect. Ankara Sinanoglu, F. (2006). Preschool Science Education. Ank: Nobel Spring. Simsek N. et al. (2007). Science and Technology Teaching in Preschool Period. Ank: Memoir Publications. Simsek, N., (2008). Çınar, Y. Preschool Science and Technology Lect. Ankara
7 Drama in preschool science education Sinanoglu, F. (2006). Preschool Science Education. Ank: Nobel Spring. Simsek N. et al. (2007). Science and Technology Teaching in Preschool Period. Ank: Memoir Publications. Simsek, N., (2008). Çınar, Y. Preschool Science and Technology Lect. Ankara Sinanoglu, F. (2006). Preschool Science Education. Ank: Nobel Spring. Simsek N. et al. (2007). Science and Technology Teaching in Preschool Period. Ank: Memoir Publications. Simsek, N., (2008). Çınar, Y. Preschool Science and Technology Lect. Ankara
8 midterm exam
9 Learning science by doing with simple tools Sinanoglu, F. (2006). Preschool Science Education. Ank: Nobel Spring. Simsek N. et al. (2007). Science and Technology Teaching in Preschool Period. Ank: Memoir Publications. Simsek, N., (2008). Çınar, Y. Preschool Science and Technology Lect. Ankara Sinanoglu, F. (2006). Preschool Science Education. Ank: Nobel Spring. Simsek N. et al. (2007). Science and Technology Teaching in Preschool Period. Ank: Memoir Publications. Simsek, N., (2008). Çınar, Y. Preschool Science and Technology Lect. Ankara
10 Use of technology in pre-school science education Sinanoglu, F. (2006). Preschool Science Education. Ank: Nobel Spring. Simsek N. et al. (2007). Science and Technology Teaching in Preschool Period. Ank: Memoir Publications. Simsek, N., (2008). Çınar, Y. Preschool Science and Technology Lect. Ankara Sinanoglu, F. (2006). Preschool Science Education. Ank: Nobel Spring. Simsek N. et al. (2007). Science and Technology Teaching in Preschool Period. Ank: Memoir Publications. Simsek, N., (2008). Çınar, Y. Preschool Science and Technology Lect. Ankara
11 Designing and applying activities and materials for pre-school science concepts Sinanoglu, F. (2006). Preschool Science Education. Ank: Nobel Spring. Simsek N. et al. (2007). Science and Technology Teaching in Preschool Period. Ank: Memoir Publications. Simsek, N., (2008). Çınar, Y. Preschool Science and Technology Lect. Ankara Sinanoglu, F. (2006). Preschool Science Education. Ank: Nobel Spring. Simsek N. et al. (2007). Science and Technology Teaching in Preschool Period. Ank: Memoir Publications. Simsek, N., (2008). Çınar, Y. Preschool Science and Technology Lect. Ankara
12 Using the Computer in Education Sinanoglu, F. (2006). Preschool Science Education. Ank: Nobel Spring. Simsek N. et al. (2007). Science and Technology Teaching in Preschool Period. Ank: Memoir Publications. Simsek, N., (2008). Çınar, Y. Preschool Science and Technology Lect. Ankara Sinanoglu, F. (2006). Preschool Science Education. Ank: Nobel Spring. Simsek N. et al. (2007). Science and Technology Teaching in Preschool Period. Ank: Memoir Publications. Simsek, N., (2008). Çınar, Y. Preschool Science and Technology Lect. Ankara
13 Using the Computer in Education Sinanoglu, F. (2006). Preschool Science Education. Ank: Nobel Spring. Simsek N. et al. (2007). Science and Technology Teaching in Preschool Period. Ank: Memoir Publications. Simsek, N., (2008). Çınar, Y. Preschool Science and Technology Lect. Ankara Sinanoglu, F. (2006). Preschool Science Education. Ank: Nobel Spring. Simsek N. et al. (2007). Science and Technology Teaching in Preschool Period. Ank: Memoir Publications. Simsek, N., (2008). Çınar, Y. Preschool Science and Technology Lect. Ankara
14 Using the Computer in Education Sinanoglu, F. (2006). Preschool Science Education. Ank: Nobel Spring. Simsek N. et al. (2007). Science and Technology Teaching in Preschool Period. Ank: Memoir Publications. Simsek, N., (2008). Çınar, Y. Preschool Science and Technology Lect. Ankara Sinanoglu, F. (2006). Preschool Science Education. Ank: Nobel Spring. Simsek N. et al. (2007). Science and Technology Teaching in Preschool Period. Ank: Memoir Publications. Simsek, N., (2008). Çınar, Y. Preschool Science and Technology Lect. Ankara

Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13
C1 5 4 4 4 4 2 3 5 3 4 3 2 4
C2 5 4 4 5 4 2 3 5 3 4 4 2 4
C3 5 4 4 4 4 2 3 5 3 4 3 2 4
C4 5 4 4 4 4 2 3 5 3 4 3 2 4
C5 5 4 4 4 4 2 3 5 3 4 3 2 4
C6 5 4 4 4 4 2 3 5 3 4 3 2 4
C7 5 4 4 4 4 2 3 5 3 4 3 2 4
C8 5 4 4 4 4 2 3 5 3 4 3 2 4
