Course Information
SemesterCourse Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleT+P+LCreditNumber of ECTS Credits
3CGP209Teaching Mathematics Before School2+2+034

Course Details
Language of Instruction Turkish
Level of Course Unit Associate Degree
Department / Program Child Development
Mode of Delivery Face to Face
Type of Course Unit Compulsory
Objectives of the Course To learn the development of mathematical knowledge in children, to learn appropriate teaching methods to develop the child's mathematical concepts.
Course Content To learn the concepts and subjects of mathematics that will be taught to children in the preschool period and to carry out activities related to these concepts.
Course Methods and Techniques
Prerequisites and co-requisities None
Course Coordinator None
Name of Lecturers Instructor Fatma Şükran KAPLAN
Assistants None
Work Placement(s) No

Recommended or Required Reading
Resources Preschool Mathematics Teaching Author: Prof. Dr. Yasare Aktas Arnas
Preschool Mathematics Education Editor: Assoc. Dr. Ilkay Ulutas. Publisher: Target C.S.
Mathematics and Science Activities in Preschool Period Author: Prof. Dr. Yaşare Aktaş Arnas, Assoc. Dr. Durmus Aslan, Lect. See. Dr. Raziye Gunay Bilaloğlu Publishing House: Izge Publishing
Early Childhood Mathematics Education Author: Dr. Burcu Durmaz Publisher: Pegem Academy
Preschool Mathematics Teaching Author: Prof. Dr. Yasare Aktas Arnas
Okul Öncesi Dönemde Matematik Öğretimi Yazarı: Prof. Dr. Yaşare Aktaş Arnas

Course Category
Field %100

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
Activities are given in detail in the section of "Assessment Methods and Criteria" and "Workload Calculation"

Assessment Methods and Criteria
In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage
Mid-terms 1 % 40
Final examination 1 % 60
% 100

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload
Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load
Course Duration 14 2 28
Assignments 2 4 8
Mid-terms 1 4 4
Final examination 1 6 6
Total Work Load   Number of ECTS Credits 2 46

Course Learning Outcomes: Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
NoLearning Outcomes
1 Students can learn how mathematical thinking skills develop in the preschool period.
2 Knows the basic mathematical concepts in the preschool education program.
3 Knows the appropriate techniques and methods used during the teaching of basic mathematics concepts in the preschool curriculum.
4 Can prepare activities for teaching basic mathematics concepts in the preschool curriculum.

Weekly Detailed Course Contents
WeekTopicsStudy MaterialsMaterials
1 The importance of mathematics education in preschool period Preschool Mathematics Teaching Author: Prof. Dr. Yasare Aktas Arnas Preschool Mathematics Education Editor: Assoc. Dr. Ilkay Ulutas. Publisher: Target C.S. Mathematics and Science Activities in Preschool Period Author: Prof. Dr. Yaşare Aktaş Arnas, Assoc. Dr. Durmus Aslan, Lect. See. Dr. Raziye Gunay Bilaloğlu Publishing House: Izge Publishing Early Childhood Mathematics Education Author: Dr. Burcu Durmaz Publisher: Pegem Academy
2 The place and importance of mathematical thinking Different approaches to the development and development of mathematical thinking in the preschool period Preschool Mathematics Teaching Author: Prof. Dr. Yasare Aktas Arnas Preschool Mathematics Education Editor: Assoc. Dr. Ilkay Ulutas. Publisher: Target C.S. Mathematics and Science Activities in Preschool Period Author: Prof. Dr. Yaşare Aktaş Arnas, Assoc. Dr. Durmus Aslan, Lect. See. Dr. Raziye Gunay Bilaloğlu Publishing House: Izge Publishing Early Childhood Mathematics Education Author: Dr. Burcu Durmaz Publisher: Pegem Academy
3 intuitive thinking Basic principles in teaching mathematical concepts Preschool Mathematics Teaching Author: Prof. Dr. Yasare Aktas Arnas Preschool Mathematics Education Editor: Assoc. Dr. Ilkay Ulutas. Publisher: Target C.S. Mathematics and Science Activities in Preschool Period Author: Prof. Dr. Yaşare Aktaş Arnas, Assoc. Dr. Durmus Aslan, Lect. See. Dr. Raziye Gunay Bilaloğlu Publishing House: Izge Publishing Early Childhood Mathematics Education Author: Dr. Burcu Durmaz Publisher: Pegem Academy
4 Integration of mathematics education with other activities in the daily program Preschool Mathematics Teaching Author: Prof. Dr. Yasare Aktas Arnas Preschool Mathematics Education Editor: Assoc. Dr. Ilkay Ulutas. Publisher: Target C.S. Mathematics and Science Activities in Preschool Period Author: Prof. Dr. Yaşare Aktaş Arnas, Assoc. Dr. Durmus Aslan, Lect. See. Dr. Raziye Gunay Bilaloğlu Publishing House: Izge Publishing Early Childhood Mathematics Education Author: Dr. Burcu Durmaz Publisher: Pegem Academy
5 Classification, one-to-one matching, comparison, ordering Event examples Preschool Mathematics Teaching Author: Prof. Dr. Yasare Aktas Arnas Preschool Mathematics Education Editor: Assoc. Dr. Ilkay Ulutas. Publisher: Target C.S. Mathematics and Science Activities in Preschool Period Author: Prof. Dr. Yaşare Aktaş Arnas, Assoc. Dr. Durmus Aslan, Lect. See. Dr. Raziye Gunay Bilaloğlu Publishing House: Izge Publishing Early Childhood Mathematics Education Author: Dr. Burcu Durmaz Publisher: Pegem Academy
6 Number concept Event examples Preschool Mathematics Teaching Author: Prof. Dr. Yasare Aktas Arnas Preschool Mathematics Education Editor: Assoc. Dr. Ilkay Ulutas. Publisher: Target C.S. Mathematics and Science Activities in Preschool Period Author: Prof. Dr. Yaşare Aktaş Arnas, Assoc. Dr. Durmus Aslan, Lect. See. Dr. Raziye Gunay Bilaloğlu Publishing House: Izge Publishing Early Childhood Mathematics Education Author: Dr. Burcu Durmaz Publisher: Pegem Academy
7 write numbers Event examples Preschool Mathematics Teaching Author: Prof. Dr. Yasare Aktas Arnas Preschool Mathematics Education Editor: Assoc. Dr. Ilkay Ulutas. Publisher: Target C.S. Mathematics and Science Activities in Preschool Period Author: Prof. Dr. Yaşare Aktaş Arnas, Assoc. Dr. Durmus Aslan, Lect. See. Dr. Raziye Gunay Bilaloğlu Publishing House: Izge Publishing Early Childhood Mathematics Education Author: Dr. Burcu Durmaz Publisher: Pegem Academy
8 Midterm Preschool Mathematics Teaching Author: Prof. Dr. Yasare Aktas Arnas Preschool Mathematics Education Editor: Assoc. Dr. Ilkay Ulutas. Publisher: Target C.S. Mathematics and Science Activities in Preschool Period Author: Prof. Dr. Yaşare Aktaş Arnas, Assoc. Dr. Durmus Aslan, Lect. See. Dr. Raziye Gunay Bilaloğlu Publishing House: Izge Publishing Early Childhood Mathematics Education Author: Dr. Burcu Durmaz Publisher: Pegem Academy
9 The concept of space Event examples Preschool Mathematics Teaching Author: Prof. Dr. Yasare Aktas Arnas Preschool Mathematics Education Editor: Assoc. Dr. Ilkay Ulutas. Publisher: Target C.S. Mathematics and Science Activities in Preschool Period Author: Prof. Dr. Yaşare Aktaş Arnas, Assoc. Dr. Durmus Aslan, Lect. See. Dr. Raziye Gunay Bilaloğlu Publishing House: Izge Publishing Early Childhood Mathematics Education Author: Dr. Burcu Durmaz Publisher: Pegem Academy
10 Geometrical shapes Event examples Preschool Mathematics Teaching Author: Prof. Dr. Yasare Aktas Arnas Preschool Mathematics Education Editor: Assoc. Dr. Ilkay Ulutas. Publisher: Target C.S. Mathematics and Science Activities in Preschool Period Author: Prof. Dr. Yaşare Aktaş Arnas, Assoc. Dr. Durmus Aslan, Lect. See. Dr. Raziye Gunay Bilaloğlu Publishing House: Izge Publishing Early Childhood Mathematics Education Author: Dr. Burcu Durmaz Publisher: Pegem Academy
11 Transaction concept Event examples Preschool Mathematics Teaching Author: Prof. Dr. Yasare Aktas Arnas Preschool Mathematics Education Editor: Assoc. Dr. Ilkay Ulutas. Publisher: Target C.S. Mathematics and Science Activities in Preschool Period Author: Prof. Dr. Yaşare Aktaş Arnas, Assoc. Dr. Durmus Aslan, Lect. See. Dr. Raziye Gunay Bilaloğlu Publishing House: Izge Publishing Early Childhood Mathematics Education Author: Dr. Burcu Durmaz Publisher: Pegem Academy
12 Transaction concept Event examples Preschool Mathematics Teaching Author: Prof. Dr. Yasare Aktas Arnas Preschool Mathematics Education Editor: Assoc. Dr. Ilkay Ulutas. Publisher: Target C.S. Mathematics and Science Activities in Preschool Period Author: Prof. Dr. Yaşare Aktaş Arnas, Assoc. Dr. Durmus Aslan, Lect. See. Dr. Raziye Gunay Bilaloğlu Publishing House: Izge Publishing Early Childhood Mathematics Education Author: Dr. Burcu Durmaz Publisher: Pegem Academy
13 Measuring concept Event examples Preschool Mathematics Teaching Author: Prof. Dr. Yasare Aktas Arnas Preschool Mathematics Education Editor: Assoc. Dr. Ilkay Ulutas. Publisher: Target C.S. Mathematics and Science Activities in Preschool Period Author: Prof. Dr. Yaşare Aktaş Arnas, Assoc. Dr. Durmus Aslan, Lect. See. Dr. Raziye Gunay Bilaloğlu Publishing House: Izge Publishing Early Childhood Mathematics Education Author: Dr. Burcu Durmaz Publisher: Pegem Academy
14 Measuring concept Event examples Preschool Mathematics Teaching Author: Prof. Dr. Yasare Aktas Arnas Preschool Mathematics Education Editor: Assoc. Dr. Ilkay Ulutas. Publisher: Target C.S. Mathematics and Science Activities in Preschool Period Author: Prof. Dr. Yaşare Aktaş Arnas, Assoc. Dr. Durmus Aslan, Lect. See. Dr. Raziye Gunay Bilaloğlu Publishing House: Izge Publishing Early Childhood Mathematics Education Author: Dr. Burcu Durmaz Publisher: Pegem Academy
15 Final Exam Preschool Mathematics Teaching Author: Prof. Dr. Yasare Aktas Arnas Preschool Mathematics Education Editor: Assoc. Dr. Ilkay Ulutas. Publisher: Target C.S. Mathematics and Science Activities in Preschool Period Author: Prof. Dr. Yaşare Aktaş Arnas, Assoc. Dr. Durmus Aslan, Lect. See. Dr. Raziye Gunay Bilaloğlu Publishing House: Izge Publishing Early Childhood Mathematics Education Author: Dr. Burcu Durmaz Publisher: Pegem Academy

Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13
C1 5 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1
C2 5 1 5 1 2 1 5 2 1 1 1 1 1
C3 5 1 5 1 3 1 5 3 3 4 1 1 1
C4 5 3 5 1 3 1 5 3 3 5 1 1 1
