Course Information
SemesterCourse Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleT+P+LCreditNumber of ECTS Credits
1CGP113Art Education And Creativity İn Children2+2+034

Course Details
Language of Instruction Turkish
Level of Course Unit Associate Degree
Department / Program Child Development
Mode of Delivery Face to Face
Type of Course Unit Compulsory
Objectives of the Course The contribution of art activities in early childhood to the development of the child's finger and hand muscles, its importance in the development of creative personality, its place in the education program and the important mission undertaken by the educator. It is to enable students to learn and use the techniques necessary for them to have creative thinking, The development of creativity in children according to their development, to communicate with the child the creative thinking techniques they have learned and to use them during the practices they will do with the children, To learn the developmental stages of children about drawing and to learn that they can display their imagination and creativity through art.
Course Content Art Education in Early Childhood and Development of Creativity, Definition of art, its function and aesthetic understanding, The place and importance of art education in contemporary education, Costume Design-Practice from waste materials, Art education creativity in early childhood, Preparation and implementation of programs that support children's creative expression skills and aesthetic awareness , Preschool art education methods and techniques, Material selection and mask design-Application, Art education in museums; Toy Museum, Basic concepts of creativity and art, factors affecting creativity, effects of different art fields on children, points to be considered in art education and preparing creative art activities.
Course Methods and Techniques
Prerequisites and co-requisities None
Course Coordinator None
Name of Lecturers Instructor Neşe DURAN
Assistants None
Work Placement(s) No

Recommended or Required Reading
Resources Introduction to Art and Concepts of Art, Şişman Ahmet, Yaz Publishing, Istanbul, 2006, Art and Education, Fundamental Art Theories of Creativity, Art Criticism approaches, Utopya Publishing, 2004, Ankara, Painting and Business Teacher's Guide, Primary Education 1st Level, MEB Istanbul, 1997, Neriman Aral, Gökhan Duman (ÇEV.) Development of Art and Creativity in Children/Nobel Publishing, 2014, 2011, Tülay Üstündağ, Journey to Creativity, Pegem (2002), Fatma Ülkü Yıldız, Tülay Şener, Creativity Education in Preschool Period, Nobel Publishing , 2003, Üzeyir Ogurlu, Fatih Kaya, Raising Creative Children, Educational Book, 2015, Ayşe Turla, Can My Child Be More Creative?, (2004), Elif Çelebi Öncü (Ed.) Creativity and Its Development in Early Childhood, Pegem Academy (2015) Kalburan, C.N (2011). Creativity and Art in Early Childhood. Ankara: Educating Book.
Introduction to Art and Concepts of Art, Şişman Ahmet, Yaz Publishing, Istanbul, 2006, Art and Education, Fundamental Art Theories of Creativity, Art Criticism approaches, Utopya Publishing, 2004, Ankara, Painting and Business Teacher's Guide, Primary Education 1st Level, MEB Istanbul, 1997, Neriman Aral, Gökhan Duman (ÇEV.) Development of Art and Creativity in Children/Nobel Publishing, 2014, 2011, Tülay Üstündağ, Journey to Creativity, Pegem (2002), Fatma Ülkü Yıldız, Tülay Şener, Creativity Education in Preschool Period, Nobel Publishing , 2003, Üzeyir Ogurlu, Fatih Kaya, Raising Creative Children, Educational Book, 2015, Ayşe Turla, Can My Child Be More Creative?, (2004), Elif Çelebi Öncü (Ed.) Creativity and Its Development in Early Childhood, Pegem Academy (2015) Kalburan, C.N (2011). Creativity and Art in Early Childhood. Ankara: Educating Book.
Sanata ve Sanat Kavramlarına Giriş, Şişman Ahmet, Yaz Yayınları, İstanbul, 2006, Sanat ve Eğitim, Yaratıcılık Temel Sanat Kuramları, Sanat Eleştirisi yaklaşımları, Ütopya Yayınları, 2004, Ankara, Resim-İş öğretmen Kılavuzu, İlköğretim I. Kademe, MEB İstanbul, 1997, Neriman Aral, Gökhan Duman (ÇEV.) Çocuklarda Sanat ve Yaratıcılığın Gelişimi/Nobel Yayıncılık, 2014,Tülay Üstündağ, Yaratıcılığa Yolculuk, Pegem (2002), Fatma Ülkü Yıldız, Tülay Şener, Okul Öncesi Dönemde Yaratıcılık Eğitimi, Nobel Ya

Course Category
Mathematics and Basic Sciences %0
Engineering %0
Engineering Design %0
Social Sciences %0
Education %10
Science %0
Health %0
Field %90

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
Activities are given in detail in the section of "Assessment Methods and Criteria" and "Workload Calculation"

Assessment Methods and Criteria
In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage
Mid-terms 1 % 40
Final examination 1 % 60
% 100

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload
Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load
Course Duration 15 2 30
Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 12 2 24
Assignments 12 2 24
Presentation 5 2 10
Mid-terms 1 2 2
Practice 14 2 28
Final examination 1 2 2
Total Work Load   Number of ECTS Credits 4 120

Course Learning Outcomes: Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
NoLearning Outcomes
1 Erken çocukluk döneminde sanatın eğitimdeki yeri ve önemini açıklayabilir
2 Yaş grupları ve gelişim düzeylerine uygun sanat etkinlikleri planlayabilir
3 Yaratıcı sanat etkinlikleri geliştirebilir
4 Etkinliklere uygun doğru malzeme seçimi yapabilir
5 Sanat etkinliklerinde kullanılan farklı malzemeleri tanır ve yöntem ve teknikleri uygulayabilir
6 Sanat kavramlarını açıklayabilir
7 Etkinlik planlarını görsel olarak malzemeye aktarabilir
8 Yaratıcılık ve problem çözme becerilerini geliştirebilir
9 Sanatın çocuğun gelişimindeki yeri ve önemini açıklayabilir
10 Yaratıcılığın desteklenmesinde eğitimin ve eğitimcinin üstlendiği misyonu açıklayabilir
11 Bireysel farklılıkları dikkate alır ve sanatsal etkinlikleri çeşitlendirebilir
12 Kendi yaratıcılıklarını geliştirebilir
13 Sanat programları ile çocukların hayal güçlerini ve yaratıcılıklarını destekleyebilir.

Weekly Detailed Course Contents
WeekTopicsStudy MaterialsMaterials
1 What is Creativity? The Place of Creativity in Human Life Introduction to Art and Concepts of Art, Şişman Ahmet, Yaz Publishing, Istanbul, 2006, Art and Education, Fundamental Art Theories of Creativity, Art Criticism approaches, Utopya Publishing, 2004, Ankara, Painting and Business Teacher's Guide, Primary Education 1st Level, MEB Istanbul, 1997, Neriman Aral, Gökhan Duman (ÇEV.) Development of Art and Creativity in Children/Nobel Publishing, 2014, Tülay Üstündağ, Journey to Creativity, Pegem (2002), Fatma Ülkü Yıldız, Tülay Şener, Creativity Education in Preschool Period, Nobel Publishing, 2003 , Üzeyir Ogurlu, Fatih Kaya, Raising Creative Children, Educational Book, 2015, Ayşe Turla, Can My Child Be More Creative?, (2004), Elif Çelebi Öncü (Ed.) Creativity and Its Development in Early Childhood, Pegem Academy (2015). Kalburan, C. N (2011). Creativity and Art in Early Childhood. Ankara: Educating Book. Introduction to Art and Concepts of Art, Şişman Ahmet, Yaz Publishing, Istanbul, 2006, Art and Education, Fundamental Art Theories of Creativity, Art Criticism approaches, Utopya Publishing, 2004, Ankara, Painting and Business Teacher's Guide, Primary Education 1st Level, MEB Istanbul, 1997, Neriman Aral, Gökhan Duman (ÇEV.) Development of Art and Creativity in Children/Nobel Publishing, 2014, Tülay Üstündağ, Journey to Creativity, Pegem (2002), Fatma Ülkü Yıldız, Tülay Şener, Creativity Education in Preschool Period, Nobel Publishing, 2003 , Üzeyir Ogurlu, Fatih Kaya, Raising Creative Children, Educational Book, 2015, Ayşe Turla, Can My Child Be More Creative?, (2004), Elif Çelebi Öncü (Ed.) Creativity and Its Development in Early Childhood, Pegem Academy (2015). Kalburan, C. N (2011). Creativity and Art in Early Childhood. Ankara: Educating Book.
2 Creativity and the Brain Introduction to Art and Concepts of Art, Şişman Ahmet, Yaz Publishing, Istanbul, 2006, Art and Education, Fundamental Art Theories of Creativity, Art Criticism approaches, Utopya Publishing, 2004, Ankara, Painting and Business Teacher's Guide, Primary Education 1st Level, MEB Istanbul, 1997, Neriman Aral, Gökhan Duman (ÇEV.) Development of Art and Creativity in Children/Nobel Publishing, 2014, Tülay Üstündağ, Journey to Creativity, Pegem (2002), Fatma Ülkü Yıldız, Tülay Şener, Creativity Education in Preschool Period, Nobel Publishing, 2003 , Üzeyir Ogurlu, Fatih Kaya, Raising Creative Children, Educational Book, 2015, Ayşe Turla, Can My Child Be More Creative?, (2004), Elif Çelebi Öncü (Ed.) Creativity and Its Development in Early Childhood, Pegem Academy (2015). Kalburan, C. N (2011). Creativity and Art in Early Childhood. Ankara: Educating Book. Introduction to Art and Concepts of Art, Şişman Ahmet, Yaz Publishing, Istanbul, 2006, Art and Education, Fundamental Art Theories of Creativity, Art Criticism approaches, Utopya Publishing, 2004, Ankara, Painting and Business Teacher's Guide, Primary Education 1st Level, MEB Istanbul, 1997, Neriman Aral, Gökhan Duman (ÇEV.) Development of Art and Creativity in Children/Nobel Publishing, 2014, Tülay Üstündağ, Journey to Creativity, Pegem (2002), Fatma Ülkü Yıldız, Tülay Şener, Creativity Education in Preschool Period, Nobel Publishing, 2003 , Üzeyir Ogurlu, Fatih Kaya, Raising Creative Children, Educational Book, 2015, Ayşe Turla, Can My Child Be More Creative?, (2004), Elif Çelebi Öncü (Ed.) Creativity and Its Development in Early Childhood, Pegem Academy (2015). Kalburan, C. N (2011). Creativity and Art in Early Childhood. Ankara: Educating Book.
3 Creativity Thinking Theories Introduction to Art and Concepts of Art, Şişman Ahmet, Yaz Publishing, Istanbul, 2006, Art and Education, Fundamental Art Theories of Creativity, Art Criticism approaches, Utopya Publishing, 2004, Ankara, Painting and Business Teacher's Guide, Primary Education 1st Level, MEB Istanbul, 1997, Neriman Aral, Gökhan Duman (ÇEV.) Development of Art and Creativity in Children/Nobel Publishing, 2014, Tülay Üstündağ, Journey to Creativity, Pegem (2002), Fatma Ülkü Yıldız, Tülay Şener, Creativity Education in Preschool Period, Nobel Publishing, 2003 , Üzeyir Ogurlu, Fatih Kaya, Raising Creative Children, Educational Book, 2015, Ayşe Turla, Can My Child Be More Creative?, (2004), Elif Çelebi Öncü (Ed.) Creativity and Its Development in Early Childhood, Pegem Academy (2015). Kalburan, C. N (2011). Creativity and Art in Early Childhood. Ankara: Educating Book. Introduction to Art and Concepts of Art, Şişman Ahmet, Yaz Publishing, Istanbul, 2006, Art and Education, Fundamental Art Theories of Creativity, Art Criticism approaches, Utopya Publishing, 2004, Ankara, Painting and Business Teacher's Guide, Primary Education 1st Level, MEB Istanbul, 1997, Neriman Aral, Gökhan Duman (ÇEV.) Development of Art and Creativity in Children/Nobel Publishing, 2014, Tülay Üstündağ, Journey to Creativity, Pegem (2002), Fatma Ülkü Yıldız, Tülay Şener, Creativity Education in Preschool Period, Nobel Publishing, 2003 , Üzeyir Ogurlu, Fatih Kaya, Raising Creative Children, Educational Book, 2015, Ayşe Turla, Can My Child Be More Creative?, (2004), Elif Çelebi Öncü (Ed.) Creativity and Its Development in Early Childhood, Pegem Academy (2015). Kalburan, C. N (2011). Creativity and Art in Early Childhood. Ankara: Educating Book.
4 Creativity Processes, Techniques and Methods to Develop Creative Thinking Introduction to Art and Concepts of Art, Şişman Ahmet, Yaz Publishing, Istanbul, 2006, Art and Education, Fundamental Art Theories of Creativity, Art Criticism approaches, Utopya Publishing, 2004, Ankara, Painting and Business Teacher's Guide, Primary Education 1st Level, MEB Istanbul, 1997, Neriman Aral, Gökhan Duman (ÇEV.) Development of Art and Creativity in Children/Nobel Publishing, 2014, Tülay Üstündağ, Journey to Creativity, Pegem (2002), Fatma Ülkü Yıldız, Tülay Şener, Creativity Education in Preschool Period, Nobel Publishing, 2003 , Üzeyir Ogurlu, Fatih Kaya, Raising Creative Children, Educational Book, 2015, Ayşe Turla, Can My Child Be More Creative?, (2004), Elif Çelebi Öncü (Ed.) Creativity and Its Development in Early Childhood, Pegem Academy (2015). Kalburan, C. N (2011). Creativity and Art in Early Childhood. Ankara: Educating Book. Introduction to Art and Concepts of Art, Şişman Ahmet, Yaz Publishing, Istanbul, 2006, Art and Education, Fundamental Art Theories of Creativity, Art Criticism approaches, Utopya Publishing, 2004, Ankara, Painting and Business Teacher's Guide, Primary Education 1st Level, MEB Istanbul, 1997, Neriman Aral, Gökhan Duman (ÇEV.) Development of Art and Creativity in Children/Nobel Publishing, 2014, Tülay Üstündağ, Journey to Creativity, Pegem (2002), Fatma Ülkü Yıldız, Tülay Şener, Creativity Education in Preschool Period, Nobel Publishing, 2003 , Üzeyir Ogurlu, Fatih Kaya, Raising Creative Children, Educational Book, 2015, Ayşe Turla, Can My Child Be More Creative?, (2004), Elif Çelebi Öncü (Ed.) Creativity and Its Development in Early Childhood, Pegem Academy (2015). Kalburan, C. N (2011). Creativity and Art in Early Childhood. Ankara: Educating Book.
5 Factors Affecting Creativity, Educational Institutions and Teachers in Learning Creativity Introduction to Art and Concepts of Art, Şişman Ahmet, Yaz Publishing, Istanbul, 2006, Art and Education, Fundamental Art Theories of Creativity, Art Criticism approaches, Utopya Publishing, 2004, Ankara, Painting and Business Teacher's Guide, Primary Education 1st Level, MEB Istanbul, 1997, Neriman Aral, Gökhan Duman (ÇEV.) Development of Art and Creativity in Children/Nobel Publishing, 2014, Tülay Üstündağ, Journey to Creativity, Pegem (2002), Fatma Ülkü Yıldız, Tülay Şener, Creativity Education in Preschool Period, Nobel Publishing, 2003 , Üzeyir Ogurlu, Fatih Kaya, Raising Creative Children, Educational Book, 2015, Ayşe Turla, Can My Child Be More Creative?, (2004), Elif Çelebi Öncü (Ed.) Creativity and Its Development in Early Childhood, Pegem Academy (2015). Kalburan, C. N (2011). Creativity and Art in Early Childhood. Ankara: Educating Book. Introduction to Art and Concepts of Art, Şişman Ahmet, Yaz Publishing, Istanbul, 2006, Art and Education, Fundamental Art Theories of Creativity, Art Criticism approaches, Utopya Publishing, 2004, Ankara, Painting and Business Teacher's Guide, Primary Education 1st Level, MEB Istanbul, 1997, Neriman Aral, Gökhan Duman (ÇEV.) Development of Art and Creativity in Children/Nobel Publishing, 2014, Tülay Üstündağ, Journey to Creativity, Pegem (2002), Fatma Ülkü Yıldız, Tülay Şener, Creativity Education in Preschool Period, Nobel Publishing, 2003 , Üzeyir Ogurlu, Fatih Kaya, Raising Creative Children, Educational Book, 2015, Ayşe Turla, Can My Child Be More Creative?, (2004), Elif Çelebi Öncü (Ed.) Creativity and Its Development in Early Childhood, Pegem Academy (2015). Kalburan, C. N (2011). Creativity and Art in Early Childhood. Ankara: Educating Book.
6 Creativity and Art in Early Childhood Introduction to Art and Concepts of Art, Şişman Ahmet, Yaz Publishing, Istanbul, 2006, Art and Education, Fundamental Art Theories of Creativity, Art Criticism approaches, Utopya Publishing, 2004, Ankara, Painting and Business Teacher's Guide, Primary Education 1st Level, MEB Istanbul, 1997, Neriman Aral, Gökhan Duman (ÇEV.) Development of Art and Creativity in Children/Nobel Publishing, 2014, Tülay Üstündağ, Journey to Creativity, Pegem (2002), Fatma Ülkü Yıldız, Tülay Şener, Creativity Education in Preschool Period, Nobel Publishing, 2003 , Üzeyir Ogurlu, Fatih Kaya, Raising Creative Children, Educational Book, 2015, Ayşe Turla, Can My Child Be More Creative?, (2004), Elif Çelebi Öncü (Ed.) Creativity and Its Development in Early Childhood, Pegem Academy (2015). Kalburan, C. N (2011). Creativity and Art in Early Childhood. Ankara: Educating Book. Introduction to Art and Concepts of Art, Şişman Ahmet, Yaz Publishing, Istanbul, 2006, Art and Education, Fundamental Art Theories of Creativity, Art Criticism approaches, Utopya Publishing, 2004, Ankara, Painting and Business Teacher's Guide, Primary Education 1st Level, MEB Istanbul, 1997, Neriman Aral, Gökhan Duman (ÇEV.) Development of Art and Creativity in Children/Nobel Publishing, 2014, Tülay Üstündağ, Journey to Creativity, Pegem (2002), Fatma Ülkü Yıldız, Tülay Şener, Creativity Education in Preschool Period, Nobel Publishing, 2003 , Üzeyir Ogurlu, Fatih Kaya, Raising Creative Children, Educational Book, 2015, Ayşe Turla, Can My Child Be More Creative?, (2004), Elif Çelebi Öncü (Ed.) Creativity and Its Development in Early Childhood, Pegem Academy (2015). Kalburan, C. N (2011). Creativity and Art in Early Childhood. Ankara: Educating Book.
7 Developmental Stages of Drawing in Children, Child and Painting Introduction to Art and Concepts of Art, Şişman Ahmet, Yaz Publishing, Istanbul, 2006, Art and Education, Fundamental Art Theories of Creativity, Art Criticism approaches, Utopya Publishing, 2004, Ankara, Painting and Business Teacher's Guide, Primary Education 1st Level, MEB Istanbul, 1997, Neriman Aral, Gökhan Duman (ÇEV.) Development of Art and Creativity in Children/Nobel Publishing, 2014, Tülay Üstündağ, Journey to Creativity, Pegem (2002), Fatma Ülkü Yıldız, Tülay Şener, Creativity Education in Preschool Period, Nobel Publishing, 2003 , Üzeyir Ogurlu, Fatih Kaya, Raising Creative Children, Educational Book, 2015, Ayşe Turla, Can My Child Be More Creative?, (2004), Elif Çelebi Öncü (Ed.) Creativity and Its Development in Early Childhood, Pegem Academy (2015). Kalburan, C. N (2011). Creativity and Art in Early Childhood. Ankara: Educating Book. Introduction to Art and Concepts of Art, Şişman Ahmet, Yaz Publishing, Istanbul, 2006, Art and Education, Fundamental Art Theories of Creativity, Art Criticism approaches, Utopya Publishing, 2004, Ankara, Painting and Business Teacher's Guide, Primary Education 1st Level, MEB Istanbul, 1997, Neriman Aral, Gökhan Duman (ÇEV.) Development of Art and Creativity in Children/Nobel Publishing, 2014, Tülay Üstündağ, Journey to Creativity, Pegem (2002), Fatma Ülkü Yıldız, Tülay Şener, Creativity Education in Preschool Period, Nobel Publishing, 2003 , Üzeyir Ogurlu, Fatih Kaya, Raising Creative Children, Educational Book, 2015, Ayşe Turla, Can My Child Be More Creative?, (2004), Elif Çelebi Öncü (Ed.) Creativity and Its Development in Early Childhood, Pegem Academy (2015). Kalburan, C. N (2011). Creativity and Art in Early Childhood. Ankara: Educating Book.
8 midterm exam
9 The Importance of Museums and Art Galleries in Child's Life Introduction to Art and Concepts of Art, Şişman Ahmet, Yaz Publishing, Istanbul, 2006, Art and Education, Fundamental Art Theories of Creativity, Art Criticism approaches, Utopya Publishing, 2004, Ankara, Painting and Business Teacher's Guide, Primary Education 1st Level, MEB Istanbul, 1997, Neriman Aral, Gökhan Duman (ÇEV.) Development of Art and Creativity in Children/Nobel Publishing, 2014, Tülay Üstündağ, Journey to Creativity, Pegem (2002), Fatma Ülkü Yıldız, Tülay Şener, Creativity Education in Preschool Period, Nobel Publishing, 2003 , Üzeyir Ogurlu, Fatih Kaya, Raising Creative Children, Educational Book, 2015, Ayşe Turla, Can My Child Be More Creative?, (2004), Elif Çelebi Öncü (Ed.) Creativity and Its Development in Early Childhood, Pegem Academy (2015). Kalburan, C. N (2011). Creativity and Art in Early Childhood. Ankara: Educating Book. Introduction to Art and Concepts of Art, Şişman Ahmet, Yaz Publishing, Istanbul, 2006, Art and Education, Fundamental Art Theories of Creativity, Art Criticism approaches, Utopya Publishing, 2004, Ankara, Painting and Business Teacher's Guide, Primary Education 1st Level, MEB Istanbul, 1997, Neriman Aral, Gökhan Duman (ÇEV.) Development of Art and Creativity in Children/Nobel Publishing, 2014, Tülay Üstündağ, Journey to Creativity, Pegem (2002), Fatma Ülkü Yıldız, Tülay Şener, Creativity Education in Preschool Period, Nobel Publishing, 2003 , Üzeyir Ogurlu, Fatih Kaya, Raising Creative Children, Educational Book, 2015, Ayşe Turla, Can My Child Be More Creative?, (2004), Elif Çelebi Öncü (Ed.) Creativity and Its Development in Early Childhood, Pegem Academy (2015). Kalburan, C. N (2011). Creativity and Art in Early Childhood. Ankara: Educating Book.
10 Creative Artwork and Leftover Materials Introduction to Art and Concepts of Art, Şişman Ahmet, Yaz Publishing, Istanbul, 2006, Art and Education, Fundamental Art Theories of Creativity, Art Criticism approaches, Utopya Publishing, 2004, Ankara, Painting and Business Teacher's Guide, Primary Education 1st Level, MEB Istanbul, 1997, Neriman Aral, Gökhan Duman (ÇEV.) Development of Art and Creativity in Children/Nobel Publishing, 2014, Tülay Üstündağ, Journey to Creativity, Pegem (2002), Fatma Ülkü Yıldız, Tülay Şener, Creativity Education in Preschool Period, Nobel Publishing, 2003 , Üzeyir Ogurlu, Fatih Kaya, Raising Creative Children, Educational Book, 2015, Ayşe Turla, Can My Child Be More Creative?, (2004), Elif Çelebi Öncü (Ed.) Creativity and Its Development in Early Childhood, Pegem Academy (2015). Kalburan, C. N (2011). Creativity and Art in Early Childhood. Ankara: Educating Book. Introduction to Art and Concepts of Art, Şişman Ahmet, Yaz Publishing, Istanbul, 2006, Art and Education, Fundamental Art Theories of Creativity, Art Criticism approaches, Utopya Publishing, 2004, Ankara, Painting and Business Teacher's Guide, Primary Education 1st Level, MEB Istanbul, 1997, Neriman Aral, Gökhan Duman (ÇEV.) Development of Art and Creativity in Children/Nobel Publishing, 2014, Tülay Üstündağ, Journey to Creativity, Pegem (2002), Fatma Ülkü Yıldız, Tülay Şener, Creativity Education in Preschool Period, Nobel Publishing, 2003 , Üzeyir Ogurlu, Fatih Kaya, Raising Creative Children, Educational Book, 2015, Ayşe Turla, Can My Child Be More Creative?, (2004), Elif Çelebi Öncü (Ed.) Creativity and Its Development in Early Childhood, Pegem Academy (2015). Kalburan, C. N (2011). Creativity and Art in Early Childhood. Ankara: Educating Book.
11 Aesthetic Development Introduction to Art and Concepts of Art, Şişman Ahmet, Yaz Publishing, Istanbul, 2006, Art and Education, Fundamental Art Theories of Creativity, Art Criticism approaches, Utopya Publishing, 2004, Ankara, Painting and Business Teacher's Guide, Primary Education 1st Level, MEB Istanbul, 1997, Neriman Aral, Gökhan Duman (ÇEV.) Development of Art and Creativity in Children/Nobel Publishing, 2014, Tülay Üstündağ, Journey to Creativity, Pegem (2002), Fatma Ülkü Yıldız, Tülay Şener, Creativity Education in Preschool Period, Nobel Publishing, 2003 , Üzeyir Ogurlu, Fatih Kaya, Raising Creative Children, Educational Book, 2015, Ayşe Turla, Can My Child Be More Creative?, (2004), Elif Çelebi Öncü (Ed.) Creativity and Its Development in Early Childhood, Pegem Academy (2015). Kalburan, C. N (2011). Creativity and Art in Early Childhood. Ankara: Educating Book. Introduction to Art and Concepts of Art, Şişman Ahmet, Yaz Publishing, Istanbul, 2006, Art and Education, Fundamental Art Theories of Creativity, Art Criticism approaches, Utopya Publishing, 2004, Ankara, Painting and Business Teacher's Guide, Primary Education 1st Level, MEB Istanbul, 1997, Neriman Aral, Gökhan Duman (ÇEV.) Development of Art and Creativity in Children/Nobel Publishing, 2014, Tülay Üstündağ, Journey to Creativity, Pegem (2002), Fatma Ülkü Yıldız, Tülay Şener, Creativity Education in Preschool Period, Nobel Publishing, 2003 , Üzeyir Ogurlu, Fatih Kaya, Raising Creative Children, Educational Book, 2015, Ayşe Turla, Can My Child Be More Creative?, (2004), Elif Çelebi Öncü (Ed.) Creativity and Its Development in Early Childhood, Pegem Academy (2015). Kalburan, C. N (2011). Creativity and Art in Early Childhood. Ankara: Educating Book.
12 Purposes of Creativity Tests and Data Collection Methods Introduction to Art and Concepts of Art, Şişman Ahmet, Yaz Publishing, Istanbul, 2006, Art and Education, Fundamental Art Theories of Creativity, Art Criticism approaches, Utopya Publishing, 2004, Ankara, Painting and Business Teacher's Guide, Primary Education 1st Level, MEB Istanbul, 1997, Neriman Aral, Gökhan Duman (ÇEV.) Development of Art and Creativity in Children/Nobel Publishing, 2014, Tülay Üstündağ, Journey to Creativity, Pegem (2002), Fatma Ülkü Yıldız, Tülay Şener, Creativity Education in Preschool Period, Nobel Publishing, 2003 , Üzeyir Ogurlu, Fatih Kaya, Raising Creative Children, Educational Book, 2015, Ayşe Turla, Can My Child Be More Creative?, (2004), Elif Çelebi Öncü (Ed.) Creativity and Its Development in Early Childhood, Pegem Academy (2015). Kalburan, C. N (2011). Creativity and Art in Early Childhood. Ankara: Educating Book. Introduction to Art and Concepts of Art, Şişman Ahmet, Yaz Publishing, Istanbul, 2006, Art and Education, Fundamental Art Theories of Creativity, Art Criticism approaches, Utopya Publishing, 2004, Ankara, Painting and Business Teacher's Guide, Primary Education 1st Level, MEB Istanbul, 1997, Neriman Aral, Gökhan Duman (ÇEV.) Development of Art and Creativity in Children/Nobel Publishing, 2014, Tülay Üstündağ, Journey to Creativity, Pegem (2002), Fatma Ülkü Yıldız, Tülay Şener, Creativity Education in Preschool Period, Nobel Publishing, 2003 , Üzeyir Ogurlu, Fatih Kaya, Raising Creative Children, Educational Book, 2015, Ayşe Turla, Can My Child Be More Creative?, (2004), Elif Çelebi Öncü (Ed.) Creativity and Its Development in Early Childhood, Pegem Academy (2015). Kalburan, C. N (2011). Creativity and Art in Early Childhood. Ankara: Educating Book.
13 The Role of Family and Teacher in Art and Creativity Education Introduction to Art and Concepts of Art, Şişman Ahmet, Yaz Publishing, Istanbul, 2006, Art and Education, Fundamental Art Theories of Creativity, Art Criticism approaches, Utopya Publishing, 2004, Ankara, Painting and Business Teacher's Guide, Primary Education 1st Level, MEB Istanbul, 1997, Neriman Aral, Gökhan Duman (ÇEV.) Development of Art and Creativity in Children/Nobel Publishing, 2014, Tülay Üstündağ, Journey to Creativity, Pegem (2002), Fatma Ülkü Yıldız, Tülay Şener, Creativity Education in Preschool Period, Nobel Publishing, 2003 , Üzeyir Ogurlu, Fatih Kaya, Raising Creative Children, Educational Book, 2015, Ayşe Turla, Can My Child Be More Creative?, (2004), Elif Çelebi Öncü (Ed.) Creativity and Its Development in Early Childhood, Pegem Academy (2015). Kalburan, C. N (2011). Creativity and Art in Early Childhood. Ankara: Educating Book. Introduction to Art and Concepts of Art, Şişman Ahmet, Yaz Publishing, Istanbul, 2006, Art and Education, Fundamental Art Theories of Creativity, Art Criticism approaches, Utopya Publishing, 2004, Ankara, Painting and Business Teacher's Guide, Primary Education 1st Level, MEB Istanbul, 1997, Neriman Aral, Gökhan Duman (ÇEV.) Development of Art and Creativity in Children/Nobel Publishing, 2014, Tülay Üstündağ, Journey to Creativity, Pegem (2002), Fatma Ülkü Yıldız, Tülay Şener, Creativity Education in Preschool Period, Nobel Publishing, 2003 , Üzeyir Ogurlu, Fatih Kaya, Raising Creative Children, Educational Book, 2015, Ayşe Turla, Can My Child Be More Creative?, (2004), Elif Çelebi Öncü (Ed.) Creativity and Its Development in Early Childhood, Pegem Academy (2015). Kalburan, C. N (2011). Creativity and Art in Early Childhood. Ankara: Educating Book.
14 Evaluation Introduction to Art and Concepts of Art, Şişman Ahmet, Yaz Publishing, Istanbul, 2006, Art and Education, Fundamental Art Theories of Creativity, Art Criticism approaches, Utopya Publishing, 2004, Ankara, Painting and Business Teacher's Guide, Primary Education 1st Level, MEB Istanbul, 1997, Neriman Aral, Gökhan Duman (ÇEV.) Development of Art and Creativity in Children/Nobel Publishing, 2014, Tülay Üstündağ, Journey to Creativity, Pegem (2002), Fatma Ülkü Yıldız, Tülay Şener, Creativity Education in Preschool Period, Nobel Publishing, 2003 , Üzeyir Ogurlu, Fatih Kaya, Raising Creative Children, Educational Book, 2015, Ayşe Turla, Can My Child Be More Creative?, (2004), Elif Çelebi Öncü (Ed.) Creativity and Its Development in Early Childhood, Pegem Academy (2015). Kalburan, C. N (2011). Creativity and Art in Early Childhood. Ankara: Educating Book. Introduction to Art and Concepts of Art, Şişman Ahmet, Yaz Publishing, Istanbul, 2006, Art and Education, Fundamental Art Theories of Creativity, Art Criticism approaches, Utopya Publishing, 2004, Ankara, Painting and Business Teacher's Guide, Primary Education 1st Level, MEB Istanbul, 1997, Neriman Aral, Gökhan Duman (ÇEV.) Development of Art and Creativity in Children/Nobel Publishing, 2014, Tülay Üstündağ, Journey to Creativity, Pegem (2002), Fatma Ülkü Yıldız, Tülay Şener, Creativity Education in Preschool Period, Nobel Publishing, 2003 , Üzeyir Ogurlu, Fatih Kaya, Raising Creative Children, Educational Book, 2015, Ayşe Turla, Can My Child Be More Creative?, (2004), Elif Çelebi Öncü (Ed.) Creativity and Its Development in Early Childhood, Pegem Academy (2015). Kalburan, C. N (2011). Creativity and Art in Early Childhood. Ankara: Educating Book.
15 final exam

Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13
C1 3 2 5 4 4 2 4 3 4 5 2 2 4
C2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 3 5 4 2 4
C3 5 3 5 3 5 2 5 4 4 5 3 2 4
C4 5 4 5 2 5 2 5 5 5 5 2 2 3
C5 5 2 5 5 5 2 5 4 4 5 3 2 2
C6 5 5 5 3 5 2 5 4 4 5 3 2 3
C7 5 3 5 3 5 2 5 5 5 5 4 2 3
C8 5 4 5 4 5 2 5 5 5 5 4 2 4
C9 5 5 5 5 5 2 5 4 5 5 4 2 4
C10 5 5 5 5 5 2 5 5 5 5 5 2 5
C11 5 4 5 5 5 2 5 5 5 5 4 2 5
C12 5 3 5 4 5 2 5 5 5 5 4 2 5
C13 5 3 5 4 5 2 5 5 5 5 4 4 5
