Course Information
SemesterCourse Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleT+P+LCreditNumber of ECTS Credits
3CGP207Children And Play1+2+023

Course Details
Language of Instruction Turkish
Level of Course Unit Associate Degree
Department / Program Child Development
Mode of Delivery Face to Face
Type of Course Unit Compulsory
Objectives of the Course The importance of the game in terms of the development of the child is to gain the characteristics of children's games.
Course Content Planning, implementation and evaluation of play activities in accordance with the development of preschool children.
Course Methods and Techniques
Prerequisites and co-requisities None
Course Coordinator None
Name of Lecturers Instructor Öğr. Gör. Fatma Şükran KAPLAN
Assistants None
Work Placement(s) No

Recommended or Required Reading
Resources Child and Play, T.C. Anadolu University Publication No: 3382 Open Education Faculty Publication No: 2234
Akinbay, H. (2014). The Importance of Play in Preschool Period and Its Effects on Children's Motor Development. Selcuk University Health Sciences Institute. Konya
Doğan H(2018)Play Planning and Implementation for Children with Special Needs (Ed. B. aksoy.)Children and Play. Ankara. Target C.S.
Aksoy, A.B., Aksoy, M., Özkan, K., Köycekaş A. (2018) Games Supporting Development in Early Childhood. (Ed. B. aksoy.) Child and Play. Ankara. Target C.S.
Poyraz, H. ( 1994) Games and Toys in Preschool Period (2nd Edition) Ankara: Anı Publishing.
Tuğrul B. (2018) The Power of Play.( ed : Ayşe Belgin Aksoy).Children and Play.Ankara: Target C.S.
Üstündağ A.(2019) Digital Games Preferred by Children aged 4-6. CKU Journal of Social Sciences Institute/ Journal of Institute of Social Sciences Vol/Volume: 10, Issue/ Number: 2,(November 2019): 1 19
Aksoy, A.B., Aksoy, M., Özkan, K., Köycekaş A. (2018) Games Supporting Development in Early Childhood. (Ed. B. aksoy.) Child and Play. Ankara. Target C.S.
Poyraz, H. ( 1994) Okulöncesi Dönemde Oyun ve Oyuncak (2. Baskı) Ankara : Anı Yayıncılık. Tuğrul B. (2018) Oyunun Gücü.( ed : Ayşe Belgin Aksoy).Çocuk ve Oyun.Ankara: Hedef C.S.

Course Category
Field %100

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
Activities are given in detail in the section of "Assessment Methods and Criteria" and "Workload Calculation"

Assessment Methods and Criteria
In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage
Mid-terms 1 % 40
Final examination 1 % 60
% 100

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload
Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load
Course Duration 15 3 45
Assignments 10 3 30
Mid-terms 1 3 3
Final examination 1 3 3
Total Work Load   Number of ECTS Credits 3 81

Course Learning Outcomes: Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
NoLearning Outcomes
1 Define the basic concepts of the game.
2 It can organize activities suitable for different game types.
3 Explain the contribution of the game to child development.
4 Explain the importance and properties of game materials.
5 Can implement game-centered developmental activities planned for children of different ages and characteristics.
6 Uses games to solve problems related to child development.

Weekly Detailed Course Contents
WeekTopicsStudy MaterialsMaterials
1 Basic Concepts of the Game Child and Play, T.C. Anadolu University Publication No: 3382 Open Education Faculty Publication No: 2234 Akinbay, H. (2014). The Importance of Play in Preschool Period and Its Effects on Children's Motor Development. Selcuk University Health Sciences Institute. Konya Doğan H(2018)Play Planning and Implementation for Children with Special Needs (Ed. B. aksoy.)Children and Play. Ankara. Target C.S. Aksoy, A.B., Aksoy, M., Özkan, K., Köycekaş A. (2018) Games Supporting Development in Early Childhood. (Ed. B. aksoy.) Child and Play. Ankara. Target C.S. Poyraz, H. ( 1994) Games and Toys in Preschool Period (2nd Edition) Ankara: Anı Publishing. Tuğrul B. (2018) The Power of Play.( ed : Ayşe Belgin Aksoy).Children and Play.Ankara: Target C.S. Üstündağ A.(2019) Digital Games Preferred by Children aged 4-6. CKU Journal of Social Sciences Institute/ Journal of Institute of Social Sciences Vol/Volume: 10, Issue/ Number: 2,(November 2019): 1 19
2 Stages and Types of the Game Child and Play, T.C. Anadolu University Publication No: 3382 Open Education Faculty Publication No: 2234 Akinbay, H. (2014). The Importance of Play in Preschool Period and Its Effects on Children's Motor Development. Selcuk University Health Sciences Institute. Konya Doğan H(2018)Play Planning and Implementation for Children with Special Needs (Ed. B. aksoy.)Children and Play. Ankara. Target C.S. Aksoy, A.B., Aksoy, M., Özkan, K., Köycekaş A. (2018) Games Supporting Development in Early Childhood. (Ed. B. aksoy.) Child and Play. Ankara. Target C.S. Poyraz, H. ( 1994) Games and Toys in Preschool Period (2nd Edition) Ankara: Anı Publishing. Tuğrul B. (2018) The Power of Play.( ed : Ayşe Belgin Aksoy).Children and Play.Ankara: Target C.S. Üstündağ A.(2019) Digital Games Preferred by Children aged 4-6. CKU Journal of Social Sciences Institute/ Journal of Institute of Social Sciences Vol/Volume: 10, Issue/ Number: 2,(November 2019): 1 19
3 Contribution of Play to Children's Development Areas Child and Play, T.C. Anadolu University Publication No: 3382 Open Education Faculty Publication No: 2234 Akinbay, H. (2014). The Importance of Play in Preschool Period and Its Effects on Children's Motor Development. Selcuk University Health Sciences Institute. Konya Doğan H(2018)Play Planning and Implementation for Children with Special Needs (Ed. B. aksoy.)Children and Play. Ankara. Target C.S. Aksoy, A.B., Aksoy, M., Özkan, K., Köycekaş A. (2018) Games Supporting Development in Early Childhood. (Ed. B. aksoy.) Child and Play. Ankara. Target C.S. Poyraz, H. ( 1994) Games and Toys in Preschool Period (2nd Edition) Ankara: Anı Publishing. Tuğrul B. (2018) The Power of Play.( ed : Ayşe Belgin Aksoy).Children and Play.Ankara: Target C.S. Üstündağ A.(2019) Digital Games Preferred by Children aged 4-6. CKU Journal of Social Sciences Institute/ Journal of Institute of Social Sciences Vol/Volume: 10, Issue/ Number: 2,(November 2019): 1 19
4 Game Types Child and Play, T.C. Anadolu University Publication No: 3382 Open Education Faculty Publication No: 2234 Akinbay, H. (2014). The Importance of Play in Preschool Period and Its Effects on Children's Motor Development. Selcuk University Health Sciences Institute. Konya Doğan H(2018)Play Planning and Implementation for Children with Special Needs (Ed. B. aksoy.)Children and Play. Ankara. Target C.S. Aksoy, A.B., Aksoy, M., Özkan, K., Köycekaş A. (2018) Games Supporting Development in Early Childhood. (Ed. B. aksoy.) Child and Play. Ankara. Target C.S. Poyraz, H. ( 1994) Games and Toys in Preschool Period (2nd Edition) Ankara: Anı Publishing. Tuğrul B. (2018) The Power of Play.( ed : Ayşe Belgin Aksoy).Children and Play.Ankara: Target C.S. Üstündağ A.(2019) Digital Games Preferred by Children aged 4-6. CKU Journal of Social Sciences Institute/ Journal of Institute of Social Sciences Vol/Volume: 10, Issue/ Number: 2,(November 2019): 1 19
5 Game Types Child and Play, T.C. Anadolu University Publication No: 3382 Open Education Faculty Publication No: 2234 Akinbay, H. (2014). The Importance of Play in Preschool Period and Its Effects on Children's Motor Development. Selcuk University Health Sciences Institute. Konya Doğan H(2018)Play Planning and Implementation for Children with Special Needs (Ed. B. aksoy.)Children and Play. Ankara. Target C.S. Aksoy, A.B., Aksoy, M., Özkan, K., Köycekaş A. (2018) Games Supporting Development in Early Childhood. (Ed. B. aksoy.) Child and Play. Ankara. Target C.S. Poyraz, H. ( 1994) Games and Toys in Preschool Period (2nd Edition) Ankara: Anı Publishing. Tuğrul B. (2018) The Power of Play.( ed : Ayşe Belgin Aksoy).Children and Play.Ankara: Target C.S. Üstündağ A.(2019) Digital Games Preferred by Children aged 4-6. CKU Journal of Social Sciences Institute/ Journal of Institute of Social Sciences Vol/Volume: 10, Issue/ Number: 2,(November 2019): 1 19
6 Game Types Child and Play, T.C. Anadolu University Publication No: 3382 Open Education Faculty Publication No: 2234 Akinbay, H. (2014). The Importance of Play in Preschool Period and Its Effects on Children's Motor Development. Selcuk University Health Sciences Institute. Konya Doğan H(2018)Play Planning and Implementation for Children with Special Needs (Ed. B. aksoy.)Children and Play. Ankara. Target C.S. Aksoy, A.B., Aksoy, M., Özkan, K., Köycekaş A. (2018) Games Supporting Development in Early Childhood. (Ed. B. aksoy.) Child and Play. Ankara. Target C.S. Poyraz, H. ( 1994) Games and Toys in Preschool Period (2nd Edition) Ankara: Anı Publishing. Tuğrul B. (2018) The Power of Play.( ed : Ayşe Belgin Aksoy).Children and Play.Ankara: Target C.S. Üstündağ A.(2019) Digital Games Preferred by Children aged 4-6. CKU Journal of Social Sciences Institute/ Journal of Institute of Social Sciences Vol/Volume: 10, Issue/ Number: 2,(November 2019): 1 19
7 Game Types Child and Play, T.C. Anadolu University Publication No: 3382 Open Education Faculty Publication No: 2234 Akinbay, H. (2014). The Importance of Play in Preschool Period and Its Effects on Children's Motor Development. Selcuk University Health Sciences Institute. Konya Doğan H(2018)Play Planning and Implementation for Children with Special Needs (Ed. B. aksoy.)Children and Play. Ankara. Target C.S. Aksoy, A.B., Aksoy, M., Özkan, K., Köycekaş A. (2018) Games Supporting Development in Early Childhood. (Ed. B. aksoy.) Child and Play. Ankara. Target C.S. Poyraz, H. ( 1994) Games and Toys in Preschool Period (2nd Edition) Ankara: Anı Publishing. Tuğrul B. (2018) The Power of Play.( ed : Ayşe Belgin Aksoy).Children and Play.Ankara: Target C.S. Üstündağ A.(2019) Digital Games Preferred by Children aged 4-6. CKU Journal of Social Sciences Institute/ Journal of Institute of Social Sciences Vol/Volume: 10, Issue/ Number: 2,(November 2019): 1 19
8 Midterm Child and Play, T.C. Anadolu University Publication No: 3382 Open Education Faculty Publication No: 2234 Akinbay, H. (2014). The Importance of Play in Preschool Period and Its Effects on Children's Motor Development. Selcuk University Health Sciences Institute. Konya Doğan H(2018)Play Planning and Implementation for Children with Special Needs (Ed. B. aksoy.)Children and Play. Ankara. Target C.S. Aksoy, A.B., Aksoy, M., Özkan, K., Köycekaş A. (2018) Games Supporting Development in Early Childhood. (Ed. B. aksoy.) Child and Play. Ankara. Target C.S. Poyraz, H. ( 1994) Games and Toys in Preschool Period (2nd Edition) Ankara: Anı Publishing. Tuğrul B. (2018) The Power of Play.( ed : Ayşe Belgin Aksoy).Children and Play.Ankara: Target C.S. Üstündağ A.(2019) Digital Games Preferred by Children aged 4-6. CKU Journal of Social Sciences Institute/ Journal of Institute of Social Sciences Vol/Volume: 10, Issue/ Number: 2,(November 2019): 1 19
9 Game Examples Child and Play, T.C. Anadolu University Publication No: 3382 Open Education Faculty Publication No: 2234 Akinbay, H. (2014). The Importance of Play in Preschool Period and Its Effects on Children's Motor Development. Selcuk University Health Sciences Institute. Konya Doğan H(2018)Play Planning and Implementation for Children with Special Needs (Ed. B. aksoy.)Children and Play. Ankara. Target C.S. Aksoy, A.B., Aksoy, M., Özkan, K., Köycekaş A. (2018) Games Supporting Development in Early Childhood. (Ed. B. aksoy.) Child and Play. Ankara. Target C.S. Poyraz, H. ( 1994) Games and Toys in Preschool Period (2nd Edition) Ankara: Anı Publishing. Tuğrul B. (2018) The Power of Play.( ed : Ayşe Belgin Aksoy).Children and Play.Ankara: Target C.S. Üstündağ A.(2019) Digital Games Preferred by Children aged 4-6. CKU Journal of Social Sciences Institute/ Journal of Institute of Social Sciences Vol/Volume: 10, Issue/ Number: 2,(November 2019): 1 19
10 Game Examples Child and Play, T.C. Anadolu University Publication No: 3382 Open Education Faculty Publication No: 2234 Akinbay, H. (2014). The Importance of Play in Preschool Period and Its Effects on Children's Motor Development. Selcuk University Health Sciences Institute. Konya Doğan H(2018)Play Planning and Implementation for Children with Special Needs (Ed. B. aksoy.)Children and Play. Ankara. Target C.S. Aksoy, A.B., Aksoy, M., Özkan, K., Köycekaş A. (2018) Games Supporting Development in Early Childhood. (Ed. B. aksoy.) Child and Play. Ankara. Target C.S. Poyraz, H. ( 1994) Games and Toys in Preschool Period (2nd Edition) Ankara: Anı Publishing. Tuğrul B. (2018) The Power of Play.( ed : Ayşe Belgin Aksoy).Children and Play.Ankara: Target C.S. Üstündağ A.(2019) Digital Games Preferred by Children aged 4-6. CKU Journal of Social Sciences Institute/ Journal of Institute of Social Sciences Vol/Volume: 10, Issue/ Number: 2,(November 2019): 1 19
11 Game Examples Child and Play, T.C. Anadolu University Publication No: 3382 Open Education Faculty Publication No: 2234 Akinbay, H. (2014). The Importance of Play in Preschool Period and Its Effects on Children's Motor Development. Selcuk University Health Sciences Institute. Konya Doğan H(2018)Play Planning and Implementation for Children with Special Needs (Ed. B. aksoy.)Children and Play. Ankara. Target C.S. Aksoy, A.B., Aksoy, M., Özkan, K., Köycekaş A. (2018) Games Supporting Development in Early Childhood. (Ed. B. aksoy.) Child and Play. Ankara. Target C.S. Poyraz, H. ( 1994) Games and Toys in Preschool Period (2nd Edition) Ankara: Anı Publishing. Tuğrul B. (2018) The Power of Play.( ed : Ayşe Belgin Aksoy).Children and Play.Ankara: Target C.S. Üstündağ A.(2019) Digital Games Preferred by Children aged 4-6. CKU Journal of Social Sciences Institute/ Journal of Institute of Social Sciences Vol/Volume: 10, Issue/ Number: 2,(November 2019): 1 19
12 Game Examples Child and Play, T.C. Anadolu University Publication No: 3382 Open Education Faculty Publication No: 2234 Akinbay, H. (2014). The Importance of Play in Preschool Period and Its Effects on Children's Motor Development. Selcuk University Health Sciences Institute. Konya Doğan H(2018)Play Planning and Implementation for Children with Special Needs (Ed. B. aksoy.)Children and Play. Ankara. Target C.S. Aksoy, A.B., Aksoy, M., Özkan, K., Köycekaş A. (2018) Games Supporting Development in Early Childhood. (Ed. B. aksoy.) Child and Play. Ankara. Target C.S. Poyraz, H. ( 1994) Games and Toys in Preschool Period (2nd Edition) Ankara: Anı Publishing. Tuğrul B. (2018) The Power of Play.( ed : Ayşe Belgin Aksoy).Children and Play.Ankara: Target C.S. Üstündağ A.(2019) Digital Games Preferred by Children aged 4-6. CKU Journal of Social Sciences Institute/ Journal of Institute of Social Sciences Vol/Volume: 10, Issue/ Number: 2,(November 2019): 1 19
13 Game Examples Child and Play, T.C. Anadolu University Publication No: 3382 Open Education Faculty Publication No: 2234 Akinbay, H. (2014). The Importance of Play in Preschool Period and Its Effects on Children's Motor Development. Selcuk University Health Sciences Institute. Konya Doğan H(2018)Play Planning and Implementation for Children with Special Needs (Ed. B. aksoy.)Children and Play. Ankara. Target C.S. Aksoy, A.B., Aksoy, M., Özkan, K., Köycekaş A. (2018) Games Supporting Development in Early Childhood. (Ed. B. aksoy.) Child and Play. Ankara. Target C.S. Poyraz, H. ( 1994) Games and Toys in Preschool Period (2nd Edition) Ankara: Anı Publishing. Tuğrul B. (2018) The Power of Play.( ed : Ayşe Belgin Aksoy).Children and Play.Ankara: Target C.S. Üstündağ A.(2019) Digital Games Preferred by Children aged 4-6. CKU Journal of Social Sciences Institute/ Journal of Institute of Social Sciences Vol/Volume: 10, Issue/ Number: 2,(November 2019): 1 19
14 Game Examples Child and Play, T.C. Anadolu University Publication No: 3382 Open Education Faculty Publication No: 2234 Akinbay, H. (2014). The Importance of Play in Preschool Period and Its Effects on Children's Motor Development. Selcuk University Health Sciences Institute. Konya Doğan H(2018)Play Planning and Implementation for Children with Special Needs (Ed. B. aksoy.)Children and Play. Ankara. Target C.S. Aksoy, A.B., Aksoy, M., Özkan, K., Köycekaş A. (2018) Games Supporting Development in Early Childhood. (Ed. B. aksoy.) Child and Play. Ankara. Target C.S. Poyraz, H. ( 1994) Games and Toys in Preschool Period (2nd Edition) Ankara: Anı Publishing. Tuğrul B. (2018) The Power of Play.( ed : Ayşe Belgin Aksoy).Children and Play.Ankara: Target C.S. Üstündağ A.(2019) Digital Games Preferred by Children aged 4-6. CKU Journal of Social Sciences Institute/ Journal of Institute of Social Sciences Vol/Volume: 10, Issue/ Number: 2,(November 2019): 1 19

Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13
C1 5 1 1 1 5 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1
C2 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 1 1 1
C3 5 4 3 1 5 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1
C4 5 1 3 1 5 1 5 1 1 5 1 1 1
C5 5 3 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 1 1 1
C6 5 3 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 1 1 1
