Course Information
SemesterCourse Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleT+P+LCreditNumber of ECTS Credits
3CGP205Mother And Child Nutrition2+0+023

Course Details
Language of Instruction Turkish
Level of Course Unit Associate Degree
Department / Program Child Development
Mode of Delivery Face to Face
Type of Course Unit Compulsory
Objectives of the Course Students' basic nutritional knowledge, pregnant-lactating nutrition, mother
importance of milk, infant nutrition, nutrition in preschool children, monitoring of growth and development, school children within the framework of the education program given in pre-school institutions.
learn how to plan the menu of the meals to be given is intended.
Course Content Importance of mother-child nutrition, Macro nutrients, vitamins and
definition of minerals, properties, functions in the body, sources,
requirement quantities. * Individuals of various ages and situations have sufficient and the importance of balanced nutrition in terms of public health. -Pregnancy and nutrition during lactation. - Required by pregnancy and lactation energy and nutritional requirements. -Start breastfeeding, breastfeeding technique -characteristics of breast milk - To give additional nutrients to the child starting time, type, quantities, attention to be paid in preparation Rules -Nutrition characteristics of preschool children, energy and nutrients item needs, menu planning for kids.
Course Methods and Techniques
Prerequisites and co-requisities None
Course Coordinator None
Name of Lecturers Instructor Neşe DURAN
Assistants None
Work Placement(s) No

Recommended or Required Reading
Resources Lecture notes, Mother Child nutrition (Authors: Prof., Dr. Mine ARLI, Prof. Dr. Nevin ŞANLIER, Prof. Dr. Saime KÜÇÜKKÖMÜRLER, Dr. Lecturer Melek YAMAN), PEGEM Publications
Lecture notes, Mother Child nutrition (Authors: Prof., Dr. Mine ARLI, Prof. Dr. Nevin ŞANLIER, Prof. Dr. Saime KÜÇÜKKÖMÜRLER, Dr. Lecturer Melek YAMAN), PEGEM Publications
Ders notları, Anne Çocuk beslenmesi (Yazarlar:Prof.,Dr. Mine ARLI, Prof. Dr. Nevin ŞANLIER, Prof. Dr. Saime KÜÇÜKKÖMÜRLER, Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Melek YAMAN), PEGEM Yayınları

Course Category
Health %10
Field %90

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
Activities are given in detail in the section of "Assessment Methods and Criteria" and "Workload Calculation"

Assessment Methods and Criteria
In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage
Mid-terms 1 % 40
Final examination 1 % 60
% 100

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload
Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load
Course Duration 15 2 30
Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 2 28
Assignments 12 2 24
Presentation 12 2 24
Mid-terms 1 2 2
Practice 5 2 10
Final examination 1 2 2
Total Work Load   Number of ECTS Credits 4 120

Course Learning Outcomes: Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
NoLearning Outcomes
1 Gains information about the nutritional needs of pregnant and lactating women, newborns, infants, pre-school and school age children.
2 Learns the importance and sources of energy and macronutrients and micronutrients in mother-child nutrition.
3 Learns the problems related to nutrition in these periods and develops solutions.
4 Learns and trains the issues that need attention in nutrition education for these groups.
5 Learns to give complementary foods at the appropriate time and amount.

Weekly Detailed Course Contents
WeekTopicsStudy MaterialsMaterials
1 Definition of nutrition, its aims and food Lecture notes, Mother Child nutrition (Authors: Prof., Dr. Mine ARLI, Prof. Dr. Nevin ŞANLIER, Prof. Dr. Saime KÜÇÜKKÖMÜRLER, Dr. Lecturer Melek YAMAN), PEGEM Publications Lecture notes, Mother Child nutrition (Authors: Prof., Dr. Mine ARLI, Prof. Dr. Nevin ŞANLIER, Prof. Dr. Saime KÜÇÜKKÖMÜRLER, Dr. Lecturer Melek YAMAN), PEGEM Publications
2 Nutrients, nutritional problems and digestion Lecture notes, Mother Child nutrition (Authors: Prof., Dr. Mine ARLI, Prof. Dr. Nevin ŞANLIER, Prof. Dr. Saime KÜÇÜKKÖMÜRLER, Dr. Lecturer Melek YAMAN), PEGEM Publications Lecture notes, Mother Child nutrition (Authors: Prof., Dr. Mine ARLI, Prof. Dr. Nevin ŞANLIER, Prof. Dr. Saime KÜÇÜKKÖMÜRLER, Dr. Lecturer Melek YAMAN), PEGEM Publications
3 Nutrients, nutritional problems and digestion(continued) food poisoning Lecture notes, Mother Child nutrition (Authors: Prof., Dr. Mine ARLI, Prof. Dr. Nevin ŞANLIER, Prof. Dr. Saime KÜÇÜKKÖMÜRLER, Dr. Lecturer Melek YAMAN), PEGEM Publications Lecture notes, Mother Child nutrition (Authors: Prof., Dr. Mine ARLI, Prof. Dr. Nevin ŞANLIER, Prof. Dr. Saime KÜÇÜKKÖMÜRLER, Dr. Lecturer Melek YAMAN), PEGEM Publications
4 Monitoring growth and development Lecture notes, Mother Child nutrition (Authors: Prof., Dr. Mine ARLI, Prof. Dr. Nevin ŞANLIER, Prof. Dr. Saime KÜÇÜKKÖMÜRLER, Dr. Lecturer Melek YAMAN), PEGEM Publications Lecture notes, Mother Child nutrition (Authors: Prof., Dr. Mine ARLI, Prof. Dr. Nevin ŞANLIER, Prof. Dr. Saime KÜÇÜKKÖMÜRLER, Dr. Lecturer Melek YAMAN), PEGEM Publications
5 Food preparation, cooking, storage principles and food poisoning Lecture notes, Mother Child nutrition (Authors: Prof., Dr. Mine ARLI, Prof. Dr. Nevin ŞANLIER, Prof. Dr. Saime KÜÇÜKKÖMÜRLER, Dr. Lecturer Melek YAMAN), PEGEM Publications Lecture notes, Mother Child nutrition (Authors: Prof., Dr. Mine ARLI, Prof. Dr. Nevin ŞANLIER, Prof. Dr. Saime KÜÇÜKKÖMÜRLER, Dr. Lecturer Melek YAMAN), PEGEM Publications
6 breast milk Lecture notes, Mother Child nutrition (Authors: Prof., Dr. Mine ARLI, Prof. Dr. Nevin ŞANLIER, Prof. Dr. Saime KÜÇÜKKÖMÜRLER, Dr. Lecturer Melek YAMAN), PEGEM Publications Lecture notes, Mother Child nutrition (Authors: Prof., Dr. Mine ARLI, Prof. Dr. Nevin ŞANLIER, Prof. Dr. Saime KÜÇÜKKÖMÜRLER, Dr. Lecturer Melek YAMAN), PEGEM Publications
7 Breast milk (continued) Lecture notes, Mother Child nutrition (Authors: Prof., Dr. Mine ARLI, Prof. Dr. Nevin ŞANLIER, Prof. Dr. Saime KÜÇÜKKÖMÜRLER, Dr. Lecturer Melek YAMAN), PEGEM Publications Lecture notes, Mother Child nutrition (Authors: Prof., Dr. Mine ARLI, Prof. Dr. Nevin ŞANLIER, Prof. Dr. Saime KÜÇÜKKÖMÜRLER, Dr. Lecturer Melek YAMAN), PEGEM Publications
8 midterm exam
9 nutrition during pregnancy Lecture notes, Mother Child nutrition (Authors: Prof., Dr. Mine ARLI, Prof. Dr. Nevin ŞANLIER, Prof. Dr. Saime KÜÇÜKKÖMÜRLER, Dr. Lecturer Melek YAMAN), PEGEM Publications Lecture notes, Mother Child nutrition (Authors: Prof., Dr. Mine ARLI, Prof. Dr. Nevin ŞANLIER, Prof. Dr. Saime KÜÇÜKKÖMÜRLER, Dr. Lecturer Melek YAMAN), PEGEM Publications
10 Nutrition of the breastfeeding woman Lecture notes, Mother Child nutrition (Authors: Prof., Dr. Mine ARLI, Prof. Dr. Nevin ŞANLIER, Prof. Dr. Saime KÜÇÜKKÖMÜRLER, Dr. Lecturer Melek YAMAN), PEGEM Publications Lecture notes, Mother Child nutrition (Authors: Prof., Dr. Mine ARLI, Prof. Dr. Nevin ŞANLIER, Prof. Dr. Saime KÜÇÜKKÖMÜRLER, Dr. Lecturer Melek YAMAN), PEGEM Publications
11 Feeding the infant Lecture notes, Mother Child nutrition (Authors: Prof., Dr. Mine ARLI, Prof. Dr. Nevin ŞANLIER, Prof. Dr. Saime KÜÇÜKKÖMÜRLER, Dr. Lecturer Melek YAMAN), PEGEM Publications Lecture notes, Mother Child nutrition (Authors: Prof., Dr. Mine ARLI, Prof. Dr. Nevin ŞANLIER, Prof. Dr. Saime KÜÇÜKKÖMÜRLER, Dr. Lecturer Melek YAMAN), PEGEM Publications
12 Nutrition of preschool children Lecture notes, Mother Child nutrition (Authors: Prof., Dr. Mine ARLI, Prof. Dr. Nevin ŞANLIER, Prof. Dr. Saime KÜÇÜKKÖMÜRLER, Dr. Lecturer Melek YAMAN), PEGEM Publications Lecture notes, Mother Child nutrition (Authors: Prof., Dr. Mine ARLI, Prof. Dr. Nevin ŞANLIER, Prof. Dr. Saime KÜÇÜKKÖMÜRLER, Dr. Lecturer Melek YAMAN), PEGEM Publications
13 Nutrition of the schoolchild Lecture notes, Mother Child nutrition (Authors: Prof., Dr. Mine ARLI, Prof. Dr. Nevin ŞANLIER, Prof. Dr. Saime KÜÇÜKKÖMÜRLER, Dr. Lecturer Melek YAMAN), PEGEM Publications Lecture notes, Mother Child nutrition (Authors: Prof., Dr. Mine ARLI, Prof. Dr. Nevin ŞANLIER, Prof. Dr. Saime KÜÇÜKKÖMÜRLER, Dr. Lecturer Melek YAMAN), PEGEM Publications
14 Nutrition of sick children, Nutrition in infectious diseases Lecture notes, Mother Child nutrition (Authors: Prof., Dr. Mine ARLI, Prof. Dr. Nevin ŞANLIER, Prof. Dr. Saime KÜÇÜKKÖMÜRLER, Dr. Lecturer Melek YAMAN), PEGEM Publications Lecture notes, Mother Child nutrition (Authors: Prof., Dr. Mine ARLI, Prof. Dr. Nevin ŞANLIER, Prof. Dr. Saime KÜÇÜKKÖMÜRLER, Dr. Lecturer Melek YAMAN), PEGEM Publications

Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13
C1 5 3 2 3 2 5 2 2 2 2 3 4 3
C2 5 3 2 3 2 5 2 2 2 2 3 4 3
C3 5 3 2 3 2 5 2 2 2 2 3 4 3
C4 5 3 2 3 2 5 2 2 2 2 3 4 3
C5 5 3 2 3 2 5 2 2 2 2 3 4 3
