Week | Topics | Study Materials | Materials |
1 |
Surface, shape-position and lapping tolerance types according to standards
Standard Machine Elements Charts (book)
2 |
General information on fastening and screws
Standard Machine Elements Charts (book)
3 |
Applications regarding screw, bolt-nut assembly calculations and assembly drawings
Standard Machine Elements Charts (book) and application sheets
4 |
Wedges, classification of wedges, wedge drawings
Standard Machine Elements Charts (book) and application sheets
5 |
Applications related to fastening with wedges, pins and rivets
6 |
classification of pins, pin joints, assembly drawings
Standard Machine Elements Charts (book) and application sheets
7 |
Applications related to springs, cams, belts, drums
8 |
Applications related to bearings and snap rings
Standard Machine Elements Charts (book) and application sheets
9 |
Gear wheels
10 |
Applications for spur, helical gear wheels
Standard Machine Elements Charts (book) and application sheets
11 |
Applications related to gear wheels
Standard Machine Elements Charts (book) and application sheets
12 |
Assembly drawings
13 |
Applications related to assembly drawings
14 |
Applications related to assembly drawings