Language of Instruction
Level of Course Unit
Associate Degree
Department / Program
Welding Technology
Type of Program
Formal Education
Type of Course Unit
Course Delivery Method
Face To Face
Objectives of the Course
1.Understanding the heat treatment operations with their principles 2.Giving ability of and to encourage for application of these operations
Course Content
The principles of the heat treatments of steels, stress relief anneal, softening anneal, normalization, globolarization anneal, watering and its environments, critical rate of cooling, Martensitic and izothermal transformations curves, Perlit and Beynit transformation, transformations during continuous cooling, the capability to harden, factors that affect the hardening of the watering, tempering, martempering and austempering, processes that harden the surface of steel, hardening by flame, cementation, nitruration, carbonitriding and boronizing, induction, hardening of a surface by laser and electron bombardment, heat treatment processes of stainless and tool steels and cast irons, heat treatment processes of non-ferrous materials and Aluminium and Copper alloys.
Course Methods and Techniques
Prerequisites and co-requisities
Course Coordinator
Name of Lecturers
Asist Prof. Ozan ÇOBAN
Work Placement(s)
Recommended or Required Reading
George Krauss, Steels: Heat Treatment and Processing Principles, ASM, Ohio, 1989. G. E. Totten (Ed.), Steel Heat Treatmen:, Metallurgy and Technologies (2nd Ed.), Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, 2006. ASM Mteals Handbooks vol4-Heat Treatment
method of expression, question and answer
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Course Category
Mathematics and Basic Sciences
Engineering Design