Week | Topics | Study Materials | Materials |
1 |
Magnetism, magnetic flux, and induction phenomenon, explanation of the electromotive force (emf) induced in a conductor and coil, structure of the DC machine, basic parts and functions
Weekly lecture notes prepared by the Instructor
2 |
Types of excitation in DC generator, characteristics of series, shunt and compound excitation generators, problem solutions
Weekly lecture notes prepared by the Instructor
3 |
Armature windings in DC machines, armature winding calculations and parallel winding properties, parallel armature winding diagrams
Weekly lecture notes prepared by the Instructor
4 |
Characteristics of serial armature windings in DC machines, serial armature winding diagrams
Weekly lecture notes prepared by the Instructor
5 |
Working principle of DC motor, back emf, speed of DC motor, changing direction of rotation, torque and mechanical power
Weekly lecture notes prepared by the Instructor
6 |
Working characteristics of DC motor at no load and at different loads, starting
Weekly lecture notes prepared by the Instructor
7 |
Investigation of losses, braking and efficiency in DC motor, sample problem solutions
Weekly lecture notes prepared by the Instructor
8 |
9 |
One-phase structures and operating principles of transformers, coils induced emf ´s calculation, the conversion rate and power definitions
Weekly lecture notes prepared by the Instructor
10 |
The transformer is idle and loaded operation, phasor diagrams, equivalent circuits from loop, iron and copper losses, sample problems
Weekly lecture notes prepared by the Instructor
11 |
Transformer Losses and efficiency,
Weekly lecture notes prepared by the Instructor
12 |
The three-phase transformer core and winding structures, linking groups, voltage, current relations
Weekly lecture notes prepared by the Instructor
13 |
Three-phase transformers connected in parallel and charge distribution, sample problems
Weekly lecture notes prepared by the Instructor
14 |
Auto transformers, welding transformers, voltage and current (measure) transformers
Weekly lecture notes prepared by the Instructor
15 |
Auto transformers, welding transformers, voltage and current (measure) transformers
Weekly lecture notes prepared by the Instructor