Dersin Ayrıntıları
1LAN101Academic English2+0+026

Dersin Detayları
Dersin Dili İngilizce
Dersin Düzeyi Lisans
Bölümü / Programı Uluslararası Ticaret ve Finansman (İngilizce)
Öğrenim Türü Örgün Öğretim
Dersin Türü Zorunlu
Dersin Amacı academic language skills needed by students in order to be successful in their academic departments. The course focuses on academic language skills required by all university students as well as specific academic language skills of primary importance for students' specific fields of choice. Students will be guided through the various stages of writing, including planning, researching, collecting and organizing information.
Dersin İçeriği The course aims at developing English communication skills covering listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In particular, it emphasizes the use of these skills in meaningful communicative tasks in academic and technological contexts. The students will be engaged in a variety of learning activities that foster positive attitudes and confidence in using English. Independent learning skills will also be promoted via self-access learning modes.
Dersin Yöntem ve Teknikleri
Ön Koşulları Yok
Dersin Koordinatörü Yok
Dersi Verenler Öğr.Gör. Ahmad Al Aref
Dersin Yardımcıları Yok
Dersin Staj Durumu Yok

Ders Kaynakları
Kaynaklar Thaine, C. Cambridge Academic English B1+. Intermediate. Student‘s Book (Units 1-5).
Evans, V., Dooley, J. New Round-up 5. English Grammar Practice. Students’ Book with CD-ROM
Kane, Thomas S. The New Oxford Guide to Writing. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988.

Ders Yapısı
Sosyal Bilimler %100

Planlanan Öğrenme Aktiviteleri ve Metodları
Etkinlikler ayrıntılı olarak "Değerlendirme" ve "İş Yükü Hesaplaması" bölümlerinde verilmiştir.

Değerlendirme Ölçütleri
Yarıyıl Çalışmaları Sayısı Katkı
Ara Sınav 1 % 40
Yarıyıl Sonu Sınavı 1 % 60
Toplam :
% 100

AKTS Hesaplama İçeriği
Etkinlik Sayısı Süre Toplam İş Yükü (Saat)
Ders Süresi 5 2 10
Sunum/Seminer Hazırlama 4 4 16
Ara Sınavlar 5 5 25
Yarıyıl Sonu Sınavı 5 2 10
Toplam İş Yükü   AKTS Kredisi : 2 61

Dersin Öğrenme Çıktıları: Bu dersin başarılı bir şekilde tamamlanmasıyla öğrenciler şunları yapabileceklerdir:
Sıra NoAçıklama
1 Students will be working with both semi-authentic and authentic academic texts
2 The course aims to introduce efficient reading strategies to cope with such texts as well as to increase students' confidence and comprehensibility when delivering presentations.
3 Academic writing, listening, speaking and reading skills development will be emphasized in the course. Additionally, students' skills in paraphrasing, summarizing and note-taking will be developed
4 tudents are expected to regularly attend all their lessons in the English for Academic Purposes Program. Attendance is recorded each day by the instructor and can drastically affect a student’s final grade.

Ders Konuları
HaftaKonuÖn HazırlıkDökümanlar
1 Reading: reading in general and academic English
2 Listening and speaking: focusing on academic study, attending lectures Vocabulary practice: key language terms
3 Reading: reading for key terms and guessing meaning in context, scan reading, gist reading Listening and speaking: asking for study help Vocabulary practice: abstract and practical learning, basic learning styles types, common suffixes in academic vocabulary, collocations with conclusion Writing: organizing ideas, linking words, paragraph writing
4 Vocabulary practice: language to describe statistics and trends, words for economic graphs
5 Grammar practice: past tenses Study skills: approaches to note-taking
6 Listening and speaking: listening for gist and detail
7 Study skills: organizing notes Virtual tour: Presidential Palace
8 midterm
9 Reading: reading for main ideas in a text
10 Vocabulary practice: key ICT terms, common prefixes in academic vocabulary, reporting verbs, word building, noun phrases, prepositional phrases
11 Reading: reading background information Vocabulary practice: vocabulary for the context
12 Listening and speaking: microfinance and starting a small business in developing countries
13 Vocabulary practice: key language for planning and budgeting, language to define terms, language of academic presentations, word families and collocations in academic vocabulary
14 Writing: drafting and revising content, paragraph writing
15 final

Dersin Program Çıktılarına Katkısı
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7
Ö2 5

Katkı Düzeyi: 1: Çok Düşük 2: Düşük 3: Orta 4: Yüksek 5: Çok Yüksek