Week | Topics | Study Materials | Materials |
1 |
Hemiplegic patient evaluation and treatment plan
2 |
Evaluation and treatment approaches of patients who have undergone coronary bypass operation
3 |
Approach to the patient with carpal tunnel syndrome, evaluation, creation of a treatment plan
4 |
Approach to the vertigo patient, evaluation and preparation of the treatment plan
5 |
Evaluation of the fibromyalgia patient and creation of a home exercise plan
6 |
Evaluation of the lateral epicondylitis patient and creation of the treatment program
7 |
Evaluation of the rheumatoid arthritis patient and recommendations to the patient
8 |
Midterm Exam
9 |
Evaluation of the prosthesis approach to the patient who had hip disarticulation operation
10 |
Evaluation of cerebral palsy diparetic type patient and family education
11 |
Evaluation of the shoulder impingement patient, planning the acute period treatment
12 |
Hand rehabilitation in tendon incisions
13 |
General approach to the patient with urinary incontinence, planning of pelvic floor muscle training
14 |
Basic physiotherapy evaluation and practice training in geriatric diseases 1
15 |
Evaluation of a Multiple Sclerosis patient
16 |
Final Exam