Course Information
SemesterCourse Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleT+P+LCreditNumber of ECTS Credits
4BES230Nutrition Education And Counseling2+0+022

Course Details
Language of Instruction Turkish
Level of Course Unit Bachelor's Degree
Department / Program Nutrition and Dietetics
Mode of Delivery Face to Face
Type of Course Unit Compulsory
Objectives of the Course To gain basic knowledge and skills in nutrition education
Course Content Definition and principles of education, education methods and tools, communication techniques while teaching, basic features of adult and child education, basic principles and practices of behavior modification therapy, preparation of educational materials, expression, demonstration of educational model examples, students preparing and presenting educational tools and modules, reading a suggested book and discussing it in class.
Course Methods and Techniques
Prerequisites and co-requisities None
Course Coordinator None
Name of Lecturers Instructor Çağla Pınarlı
Assistants Research Assist. Merve ÖZVAR
Work Placement(s) No

Recommended or Required Reading
Resources 1. Contento, I. (2011). Nutrition education, Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Studbury, Massachusetts
2. Navaro, L. (2011). Beni duyuyor musun?, İstanbul, Remzi kitabevi.
3. Kutluay-Merdol T (2012). Okul öncesi dönem eğitimi veren kişi ve kurumlar için beslenme eğitimi rehberi, Hatipoğlu, Ankara.
4. Kutluay-Merdol T (2008). Beslenme eğitimi ve danışmanlığı, Ankara. Klasmat Matbaacılık.
5. Demirel Ö (2008). Öğretim ilke ve yöntemleri. Pegem yayınları, Ankara.
lecture notes will be given weekly
Ders notları

Course Category
Education %50
Field %50

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
Activities are given in detail in the section of "Assessment Methods and Criteria" and "Workload Calculation"

Assessment Methods and Criteria
In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage
Mid-terms 1 % 40
Final examination 1 % 60
% 100

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload
Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load
Course Duration 14 2 28
Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 2 28
Mid-terms 1 2 2
Final examination 1 2 2
Total Work Load   Number of ECTS Credits 2 60

Course Learning Outcomes: Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
NoLearning Outcomes
1 Learns the definition, principles, and ways of education of education.
2 Learns training methods and tools.
3 Learns communication techniques and communication barriers, learns the importance of communication in adult and child education.
4 The community, children, nutrition service personnel, patients, adults, etc. learns the characteristics of the training given to individuals and groups
5 Learns the training master plan preparation and presentation techniques.

Weekly Detailed Course Contents
WeekTopicsStudy MaterialsMaterials
1 Basic concepts of education
2 Basic concepts of education
3 The aim of nutrition education, teaching principles and methods
4 Motivation and communication techniques Training planning and evaluation Creating a positive educational environment Adult education / conditions for being a good listener
5 Training methods and tools Presentation technique Preparing and using educational tools
6 Planning, preparing and implementing different type of educational programs
7 Group education, individual education and community education
8 Midterm Exam Week
9 Education for Pregnancy and lactation term
10 Nutrition education for children
11 Nutrition education for adults
12 Nutrition education for older adults
13 Healthy nutrition and food safety education
14 educational practices and general evaluation
15 General repeat
16 Final Week

Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10
All 3 4 3 2 3 2 1 3 2
C1 1 2 3 2 2 3 2 1 2
C2 3 4 3 2 3 2 1 3 2
C3 2 3 3 2 3 2 1 3 2
C4 4 4 3 3 4 2 1 3 2
C5 3 5 3 2 3 1 1 3 2
