Course Information
SemesterCourse Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleT+P+LCreditNumber of ECTS Credits
5CGE377Development And Education Of Gifted Children2+0+024

Course Details
Language of Instruction Turkish
Level of Course Unit Bachelor's Degree
Department / Program Child Development
Mode of Delivery Face to Face
Type of Course Unit Elective
Objectives of the Course Within the scope of this course, the definition of intelligence and giftedness, factors affecting intelligence and giftedness, theories of giftedness and intelligence, classification of giftedness, characteristics of gifted children, diagnosis and evaluation of gifted children, education of gifted children, learning and teaching strategies, gifted children Educational models for gifted children, teachers and families of gifted children, supporting gifted children, and gaining competency about the situation of gifted people in the world and in Turkey.
Course Content Course Introduction, Definition of Intelligence, Intelligence Sections, Definition of Talent, Basic Concepts of Gifted Children, Principles, Characteristics of Gifted Children, Types of Gifted, Developmental Characteristics and Needs of Gifted Children, Midterm Exam Week, Determination of Gifted Children, Tools Used in Diagnosis and Methods, Educational Models, Educational Models, Problems Parents Experience and Appropriate Approaches That Should Be Shown to Their Gifted Children, Planning and Implementation Examples of the Education of Gifted and Gifted Children, Planning and Practice Examples of the Education of Gifted and Talented Children,
Final Exam Week
Course Methods and Techniques brain storm.
Prerequisites and co-requisities None
Course Coordinator None
Name of Lecturers Asist Prof. Meliha KIRKINCIOĞLU
Assistants None
Work Placement(s) No

Recommended or Required Reading
Resources Lecture notes will be given weekly on a basis.
lecture notes will be given on a weekly basis .
Ara Sınav/Final

Course Category
Education %20
Field %80

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
Activities are given in detail in the section of "Assessment Methods and Criteria" and "Workload Calculation"

Assessment Methods and Criteria
In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage
Mid-terms 1 % 40
Final examination 1 % 60
% 100

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload
Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load
Course Duration 14 2 28
Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 2 28
Mid-terms 1 15 15
Final examination 1 20 20
Total Work Load   Number of ECTS Credits 4 91

Course Learning Outcomes: Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
NoLearning Outcomes
1 By using the essential tools and resources of education and training will have fundamental and revised information which is necessary for theoretical and practical
2 He/she will have the information of evaluation and interpretation comparatively the accuracy, reliability and validity of the gaining information on child
3 He/she will have knowledge of children's developments, learning properties and challenges.

Weekly Detailed Course Contents
WeekTopicsStudy MaterialsMaterials
1 Course Introduction
2 Definition of Intelligence, Intelligence Sections
3 Definition of Talent
4 Basic Concepts of Gifted Children, Principles
5 Characteristics of Gifted Children
6 Types of Gifted
7 Developmental Characteristics and Needs of Gifted Children
8 Midterm Exam Week
9 Determination of Gifted Children
10 Tools Used in Diagnosis and Methods
11 Educational Models
12 Educational Models
13 Problems Parents Experience and Appropriate Approaches That Should Be Shown to Their Gifted Children
14 Planning of the Education of Gifted children and Implementation Examples
15 Planning and Practice Examples of the Education of Gifted Children and Implementation Examples
16 Final Exam Week

Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13
All 4 5 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 4
C1 5 5 4 5 4 5 5 4 5 3 5 4 5
C2 3 5 4 3 4 5 3 5 4 5 3 4 3
C3 3 5 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 2 1 5 4
