Course Information
SemesterCourse Unit CodeCourse Unit TitleT+P+LCreditNumber of ECTS Credits
3CGE273Children'S Literature And Media2+0+024

Course Details
Language of Instruction Turkish
Level of Course Unit Bachelor's Degree
Department / Program Nutrition and Dietetics
Mode of Delivery Face to Face
Type of Course Unit Elective
Objectives of the Course Within the scope of this course, it is aimed to introduce children's literature in the world and in Turkey, to examine the printed and visual publications prepared for children and to use them correctly.
Course Content The Effect of Children's Literature on the Developmental Areas of the Child,
Historical Development of Children's Literature in the World and in Turkey,
Features Required in Children's Publications,
Suitable for Children's Literature and Developmental Periods,
Children's Literature Genres,
Reading Habits and Early Literacy in Children,
Children's Rights and Media,
The Role of Family and Teacher in the Use of Digital Media
Course Methods and Techniques Lecture (Acknowledgement, Presentation) Method, Question-Answer Method, Discussion method
Prerequisites and co-requisities None
Course Coordinator None
Name of Lecturers Instructor Nefise ÖZOK BULUT
Assistants None
Work Placement(s) No

Recommended or Required Reading
Resources Arıcı, A. F. (2018). Çocuk edebiyatı ve kültürü (2. baskı). Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık.
Çakmak-Güleç, H. (2020). Erken çocukluk dönemi edebiyatı. Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık.
Erdoğan, S., & Ören, M. (2016). Çocuk edebiyatı ve medya. Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Yayınları.
Oğuzkan, A. F. (2021). Çocuk edebiyatı (11. baskı). Anı Yayıncılık.
Temizyürek, F., Şahbaz, N. K., & Gürel, Z. (2016). Çocuk edebiyatı. Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık.
Tunagür, M., & Kardaş, M. N. (2021). Çocuk edebiyatı. Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık.
Demirel, Ş., & Seven, S. (2021). Çağdaş çocuk edebiyatı. Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık.
Kılıç, Ş. (2021). Çocuk ve medya. Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık.
Lecture notes will be given weekly.

Course Category
Education %40
Field %60

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
Activities are given in detail in the section of "Assessment Methods and Criteria" and "Workload Calculation"

Assessment Methods and Criteria
In-Term Studies Quantity Percentage
Assignment 1 % 40
Final examination 1 % 60
% 100

ECTS Allocated Based on Student Workload
Activities Quantity Duration Total Work Load
Course Duration 14 2 28
Hours for off-the-c.r.stud 14 2 28
Assignments 1 15 15
Final examination 1 20 20
Total Work Load   Number of ECTS Credits 4 91

Course Learning Outcomes: Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
NoLearning Outcomes
1 Recognizes the concepts of children's literature.
2 Shows examples by listing the types of children's literature.
3 Interpret the importance and features of children's literature.
4 Discusses the contribution of children's literature to child development.
5 List the features of children's books.
6 Examines and evaluates children's books in different age groups.
7 Realizes the positive and negative effects of media on children.
8 Guides children and parents on media.
9 It develops the necessary sensitivity towards media and children.

Weekly Detailed Course Contents
WeekTopicsStudy MaterialsMaterials
1 Giving information about the course and examining the syllabus form
2 Children-Literature and Children's Literature The Effect of Children's Literature on the Developmental Areas of the Child
3 Historical Development of Children's Literature in the World and in Turkey
4 Child Reality and Child Relativity Features Required in Children's Publications
5 Child Reality and Child Relativity Features Required in Children's Publications
6 Children's Literature and Eligibility According to Developmental Periods
7 Children's Literature and Eligibility According to Developmental Periods
8 Midterm exam
9 Types of Children's Literature
10 Types of Children's Literature
11 Reading Habits and Early Literacy in Children
12 Children's Rights and Media
13 Effects of the Media on Children
14 The Role of Family and Teacher in the Use of Digital Media
15 Case Analysis
16 Final exam

Contribution of Learning Outcomes to Programme Outcomes
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10
All 4 5 3 5 4 4 5 4 4 4
C1 5 4 3 5 4 5 5 4 5 4
C2 4 5 3 5 4 5 5 4 4 4
C3 5 5 3 5 4 4 5 4 5 4
C4 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 4 4 4
C5 4 5 3 5 5 5 5 4 5 4
C6 5 4 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 4
C7 4 4 4 5 5 4 5 4 4 4
C8 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4
C9 4 4 5 5 4 4 5 4 4 4
