Week | Topics | Study Materials | Materials |
1 |
Loan contract, commodatum, safekeeping contract
2 |
Contract of service in general, definiton, components, rights and obligations of the parties thereof
3 |
Marketing contract
4 |
Domestice service contract
5 |
Contract of work, definition, components, rights and obligations of the parties thereof
6 |
Publishing contract
7 |
Construction contract in return of land share and other types of construction contracts
8 |
Midterm exam
9 |
Agency contract, definition, components, rights and obligations of the parties thereof
10 |
Agency contracts granting indirect representation authority and commission contract
11 |
Letter of credit, order of credit, brokerage contract, commercial representatives, commercial agencies and the other subsidiaries of merchants
12 |
Negotiorum gestio
13 |
Contracts of assurance, bailment contract, contract of guaranty, gambling and betting, contract for lifelong support, life annuity contract
14 |
Ordinary partnership contract