Week | Topics | Study Materials | Materials |
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There are many branches of law. There are reasons why the law is divided into branches.
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One of the important branches of law is private law. Private law is a set of rules between parties subject to the same legal regime. Private law is also divided into branches within itself.
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Private law contains a number of important concepts.
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Another important branch of law is public law. Public law regulates legal relationships in which one of the parties has public power.
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Public law has its own important concepts.
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Just as there are branches of law, courts are also divided into different branches for themselves. Courts also have specific forms of organization.
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Midterm Exam
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Another branch of law is mixed law branches.
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There are various principles that govern the application of legal rules.
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The application of legal rules shows various characteristics according to place and time.
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It must be interpreted during the application of the legal rules to a specific event.
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The interpretation of legal rules is made within the limits set by various rules. Literary interpretation, systematic interpretation, purposeful interpretation, historical interpretation methods are used.
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In some cases, there is no legal rule applicable to the concrete case. This is called the law loophole. Various methods can be used to fill the gap. The first of these is analogy.
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Final Exam