Week | Topics | Study Materials | Materials |
1 |
Subject and qualifications of Labor Law Historical development of Labor Law Basic principles and ideas guiding Labor Law, Resources of Labor Law
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Basic concepts of Labor Law (employee, apprentice, trainee, employer, employer's representative, subcontractor, workplace and enterprise) Scope of Labor Law
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Definition of the employment contract and the elements of the employment contract, the legal characteristics of the employment contract
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Types of employment contracts (employment contracts regulated in the Code of Obligations and Labor Law, permanent and discontinuous employment contracts, employment contracts of definite and indefinite duration)
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Types of employment contracts (full-time and part-time employment contracts, on-call work, trial and non-trial employment contracts, team contract, temporary employment relationship)
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Regulation of working conditions, conclusion of employment contract (qualification of parties, limitation of freedom of contract in labor law, invalidity of employment contract)
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Obligations arising from the employment contract (worker's debts: duty to work, obligation to comply with the employer's instructions, loyalty debt, non-compete debt)
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Obligations arising from the employment contract (employer's debts: paying wages, protecting the worker, equal treatment debt and other debts)
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Organization of work (times of work: regular work, overtime work, rest breaks, paid holidays and annual paid leave)
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Termination of the employment contract (conditions that terminate the contract without notice, termination of the employment contract with the notice of termination)
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Termination of the employment contract (term termination notice, indefinite termination notice)
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mass layoffs
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Legal consequences of termination of employment contract (release, severance pay)