Week | Topics | Study Materials | Materials |
1 |
Technical Drawing and Design Meaning of Geometry; Projection types
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Projection rules, Projections of the point, Obtaining the Epure The description of the line, the various positions and projections of the lines
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Using drawing tools, projection of a geometric object, perspective drawing, line types and thicknesses
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Measurement rules in appearances, Thickening methods, Scale concept, Drawing of a structure, dimensioning, thickening
5 |
Plan and cross-section concept, plan and cross-section dimensioning rules, plan and vertical sections of a structure, drawing, dimensioning, thickening
6 |
Drawing, dimensioning and thickening of plan, section and appearance of a structure
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AutoCAD definition, AutoCAD drawing environment, AutoCAD screen, Toolbars, Shortcut keys, Command and data entry, opening drawing file, storing, working with registered file, output. Object capture commands
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Mid-Term Exam
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Selection commands, Drawing commands and application: Line, ray, construction line, multiline, multiline style, rectangle, pline, polygon, arc, circle, donut, spline, elipse, point, point style
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Image control commands; Zoom, pan, view, hide, shade, redraw, regen. Object Editing and Correction Commands; Erase, copy, move, offset, trim, rotate, scale, mirror, array. Article; Text commands, text correction commands
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Object Editing and Correction Commands; Explode, stretch, break, extend, fillet, chamfer, lenghten, pedit, properties, machprop, change, undo, redo, layers
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Dimensioning commands, measurement styles, dimensioning correction commands, dimensioning according to the rules of civil engineering drawing.
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Application 1; Drawing a plan according to technical drawing rules, dimensioning
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Block and xref commands, OLE object; block editor. Scan commands. Query commands; Status, list, area, distance.
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Application 2; Drawing, dimensioning, thickening of the appearance, plan and sections of a building according to Technical Drawing rules