Language of Instruction
Level of Course Unit
Bachelor's Degree
Department / Program
Computer Engineering
Type of Program
Formal Education
Type of Course Unit
Course Delivery Method
Face To Face
Objectives of the Course
It is generally necesary to use a computer vision system in an industrial automation system. Especially, part counting, quality control and other applications like these are generally done by computer vision.
In this course, the aim is make students learn image processing methods, and develop a computer vision system for an industrial application.
Course Content
Introduction to computer vision. To form an image matrix and neighbourhood operations. Hardware and software architecture of a computer vision system. Gray level, binary and color image processing methods. Quantizing, noise reduction. Edge detection. Feature extraction. Fundamentals of 3-D image processing. Sample applications
Course Methods and Techniques
Prerequisites and co-requisities
Course Coordinator
Name of Lecturers
Asist Prof. Aytaç Uğur YERDEN
Work Placement(s)
Recommended or Required Reading
1. GONZALEZ R.C., WOODS R.E., and ADDINS S.L., Digital Image Processing Using Matlab, Pearson Education Inc., New Jersey, 2004. 2. LOW A., Introductory Computer Vision and Image Processing, McGrow-Hill, 1991, ENGLAND. 3. AWCOCK G.J. and THOMAS R., Applied Image Processing, McGrow-Hill, Inc., 1996. 4. JAHNE B., Digital Image Processing, Springer-Verlag, 2005, Netherlands. 5. DAVIES, E.R., Machine vision: Theory, Algorithms, Practicalities, Academic Pres, 1997. 6.. UMBAUGH S. E., Computer Vision and Image Processing, Prentice-Hall, 1998, USA.
Lectures, Question-Answer, Project.
Bir grup projesi
Vize ve Final Sınavları
Course Category
Mathematics and Basic Sciences
Engineering Design
Social Sciences