Hafta | Konu | Ön Hazırlık | Dökümanlar |
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Giriş ve Dersin Tanıtımı
"Design Thinking: A Guide to Creative Problem Solving" by Peter Rowe
"The Art of Innovation" by Tom Kelley
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Reklam Kampanyası ve Ambalaj Tasarımına Giriş
"Advertising by Design" by Robin Landa
"Packaging Design" by Marianne Rosner Klimchuk and Sandra A. Krasovec
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Yaratıcı ve Yenilikçi Çözümler Geliştirme
"Creativity in Advertising" by Margaret A. Morrison
"Creative Confidence" by Tom Kelley and David Kelley
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Medya ve Tasarım Formatlarının Seçimi
"Media Planning & Buying in the 21st Century" by Ronald D. Geskey
"The Elements of Graphic Design" by Alex W. White
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Geri Bildirim Alma ve İyileştirme Teknikleri
"The Feedback Fix" by Joe Hirsch
"Radical Candor" by Kim Scott
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Uygulamalı Tasarım Projesi Başlangıcı
"Making and Breaking the Grid" by Timothy Samara
"Layout Essentials" by Beth Tondreau
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Medya Araçları ile Proje Geliştirme
"The Media Handbook" by Helen Katz
"Graphic Design Solutions" by Robin Landa
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Ambalaj Tasarımında Malzeme ve Format Seçimi
"Package Design Workbook" by Steven DuPuis
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Proje Geri Bildirimi Alma ve Düzenleme
"Thanks for the Feedback" by Douglas Stone
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Dijital Formatlarda Tasarım ve Uygulama
"Digital Design Essentials" by Rajesh Lal
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Proje Yönetimi ve Planlama
"Creative Strategy and the Business of Design" by Douglas Davis
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Uygulamalı Proje Geliştirme Oturumu
"The Creative's Guide to Starting a Business" by Harriet Kelsall
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Proje Sunum Teknikleri
"Presentation Zen" by Garr Reynolds
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Final Proje Sunumları ve Değerlendirme
"The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs" by Carmine Gallo