Hafta | Konu | Ön Hazırlık | Dökümanlar |
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1. Hafta: Giriş ve Dersin Tanıtımı
Design for Motion: Fundamentals and Techniques of Motion Design by Austin Shaw
Motion Graphic Design: Applied History and Aesthetics by Jon Krasner
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2. Hafta: Tipografik Animasyonun Temel Kavramları ve Teknikleri
The Fundamentals of Animation by Paul Wells
Motion Graphics: Principles and Practices from the Ground Up by Ian Crook and Peter Beare
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3. Hafta: Zaman ve Hareket ile Tipografi Kullanımı
After Effects for Designers: Graphic and Interactive Design in Motion by Chris Jackson
Type in Motion 2: Innovations in Digital Graphics by Jeff Bellantoni and Matt Woolman
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Hareketli Tipografi Projeleri Geliştirme
Kinetic Typography: Principles, Techniques, and Applications by Stewart Jamieson
Graphic Design for the 21st Century by Charlotte Fiell and Peter Fiell
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5. Hafta: Kavramsal Animasyon Projeleri Üzerine Çalışma
Creating Motion Graphics with After Effects by Trish Meyer and Chris Meyer
Animation: From Concept to Production by Peter Lord and Brian Sibley
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6. Hafta: Profesyonel Animasyon Yazılımlarını Tanıma
Adobe After Effects Classroom in a Book by Lisa Fridsma and Brie Gyncild
Motion Graphics Design and Fine Art Animation: Principles and Practice by Jon Krasner
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7. Hafta: Tipografik Portfolyo Animasyonları Geliştirme
Designing Type by Karen Cheng
Animation and Interaction for Designers by Brian Evans
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8. Hafta: Yaratıcı Tipografik Animasyonlar Üretme
Animated Storytelling: Simple Steps for Creating Animation and Motion Graphics by Liz Blazer
Digital Art Masters: Volume 9 by 3DTotal Publishing
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9. Hafta: Geri Bildirim Alma ve İyileştirme
Radical Candor by Kim Scott
The Feedback Fix by Joe Hirsch
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10. Hafta: Tipografik Özgeçmiş Animasyonları Hazırlama
Adobe After Effects Visual Effects and Compositing Studio Techniques by Mark Christiansen
Design Elements: A Graphic Style Manual by Timothy Samara
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11. Hafta: İleri Seviye Animasyon Teknikleri Uygulama
Mastering After Effects: A Complete Guide for Designers and Animators by Ian Robinson
Animation Techniques: From Script to Screen by Derek Hayes
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12. Hafta: Tipografik Animasyonlarda Kreatif Çözümler
Typography Essentials: 100 Design Principles for Working with Type by Ina Saltz
Motion Graphic Design: Applied History and Aesthetics by Jon Krasner
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13. Hafta: Proje Sunumu ve Değerlendirme
Presentation Zen by Garr Reynolds
The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs by Carmine Gallo
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14. Hafta: Final Proje Sunumları ve Geri Bildirimler
by Nancy Duarte
Creative Presentation Skills by Philip Jones