Week | Topics | Study Materials | Materials |
1 |
Scenarios water formation of in the universe and discussion of these scenarios. Summary of physical and chemical changes up till the course of global warming. Introducing the equipments used in water quality measurements.
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Water and water molecule structure as a fluid. Hydro biological cycle. Solution preparation methods.
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Heat concept and factors affecting the temperature of waters. Dispersion in seas and lakes (temperature stratification). Temperature stratification in the Dardanelles strait and effects on fish population.
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Density, salinity, specific heat, conductivity concepts. Conductivity determination in different water samples.
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Irradiance and interactions between water qualities (optic features of water). using the Secchi discs made by students.
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Oxygen and sources of oxygen, importance of oxygen for aquatic organisms and oxygen cycling in water. Determination of oxygen concentration from polluted and unpolluted waters. Determination of hardness from different waters.
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CO2 and atmosphere-water cycling. Carbonate-bicarbonate buffer, interactions with global warming. TOC analysis.
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Mid-term Exam
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Nitrogen cycling in aquatic ecosystems, effects of nitrogen and forms of nitrogen on aquatic organisms, factors affecting growth rates. Analysis of nitrite, nitrate and ammonium in water samples and discussion of the results.
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Phosphorus cycling in aquatic systems, effects of phosphorus and forms of phosphorus on aquatic organisms, factors affecting growth limitation. Analysis of soluble inorganic phosphorus and total phosphorus and discussion of the results.
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Silicate cycling in aquatic systems, silicate-upwelling-fisheries grounds interaction. Silicate analysis in water samples and discussion of the results
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Trace element cycling in aquatic systems (e.g. iron, calcium, magnesium), the importance of these elements for aquatic organisms. The importance of magnesium for chlorophyll molecule, examination of the effects of iron and other trace elements on aquatic organisms.
13 |
Natural and anthropogenic eutrophication in aquatic systems, causes, indications, problems and control of anthropogenic eutrophication. Chlorophyll-a and TSS analysis in water samples and discussion of the results.
14 |
Sources of pollution and effects of these on aquatic systems. Case studies and research.
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Final Exam