Week | Topics | Study Materials | Materials |
1 |
Shock effects in underwater explosions
2 |
Terminology of the detonation for rescue operations
3 |
Avantages the detonation for rescue operations
4 |
Disavantages the detonation for rescue operations
5 |
Charges used in the destruction for rescue operatiıons
6 |
İgnition systems for explosives, Explosive accessories used in the mechanical ignition system
7 |
Explosive accessories used in the electrical ignition system
8 |
Explosive accessories used in the electrical ignition system
9 |
Mid-term Exam
10 |
Electrical ignition system types, Fet-cord system
11 |
Planing and organisations
12 |
Sympathetic detonation
13 |
Breakdown ignition system
14 |
Safety procedures
15 |
İnsidious objects and features
16 |
Final EXAM